Tim Harrison

IntentionSame as Edwin - build tools that make this more accessible to the masses - demystify & simplify the concepts so others can understand & use them...

Velina interviews Tim

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

    • It feels broken up - the technology got in the way of the process.

    • It was really good and interesting, how much the technology got in the way of the whole thing,

    • the technology is capable but it’s surprising how the technology can derail the

    • The technology messed with the flow

What did you line about the empathy circle?

I can see it is going to go somewhere that is going to work.

I can see it is not working now but that it will work.

my mind was racing on the process instead of the content.

how to mute mic and more to document

I liked it because I can see that it’s going somewhere that is going to work - fascinating as a challenge that will work at some point. My mind was racing about the process rather than the content - too busy thinking about the technical aspects

You see the potential for it to work?

The value that you get from being together - social media of huge interest- how it’s different being with someone in person versus online. Raises big interesting challenges -

Regarding the design process - I’m excited about applying design thinking to a challenge like this. I’m familiar with the design process - it’s kind of odd to see it applied this way (rather than to, say, hardware design).

I’m interested in the in person versus from the online

The facebook and teachnology thing

All the challenges technology overcomes the person issues

it’s different to be sitting together with you.

[How to make the technology smoothers]

where the technology falls downs.

I’m curious to take it out of the empathy piece to the design piece. You work with design, is it different? How are you with the design process? is it familiare, how it lands with you?

    • I’m excited about apply design thinking to a challenge like this. this is how I work. this flow is a articulation for people that

    • I’m super familiar with design process.

    • It’s kind of odd to see it articulated like that. We were not taught that.

    • the whole process of design is about empath

Velina Interviewee Name: Tim

Insight: Was fascinated with how the technology and aspect of videotaping derailed the process. Distractions with the tech. and social media

Likes the idea of how this process has the potential to take it somewhere. Not seeing it yet but sees how it can. Never taught the concept of empathy in his design training. Loves to see the model used this way.

Feedback: technology and promoting production


    • Frustration

    • Concern

    • fascination

    • comfortable


    • authenticity

    • ease

    • flow

    • safety

    • productivity

    • Connection


A Video upfront that talks about privacy (also legal implications - health/defamation etc!)

    • what are the legal issues?

An easy way to review personal contribution (tagged content & opt-out editing)

    • video tagging start ups - allow bookmarking in the video clip

    • click and go

    • youtube direct link

    • soundcloud - people add comments to audio - tag points

Define Goals first - so topics of conversation are useful & relevant

    • tell people what are trying to get from the circle will frame the conversations.

Guiding Conversation - Staying on-topic - not straying into stuff that isn’t sharable/sensitive.

    • how interjections are made

Predefined Topics which are Shareable vs Private

Time to reflect - even if happy to share, having time would be better rather than immediate public share.

    • be able to think about it. have a buffer of time to reflect

A formal privacy “waiver” of some kind. (Also consider privacy laws outside the USA)

    • log on window of hangouts has a wavier

    • different laws in different countries.

An “intro” / tiered approach - doing non-personal sharing to build familiarity with process/people.

    • non personal sharing of the workshop - don’t be personal to begin with

    • after familiarity feel more comfortable making judgement

    • a beginners course that avi

Defining the goals for the project?

develop and empathic way of being

develop the empathy circle?

    • not specific enough.

    • get more specific

    • how might it help me and the participants

    • what is the relationship between edwin and the participants

    • is it about helping people gain awareness or is it a commercial venture

    • have a discussion around what it is we are doing

    • important that people feel that what they are contributing is relevant

    • is everyone able to contribute to the welling being of everyone

    • is this productive and beneficial and helping versus a nebulous feel good.

What is the overall intention?

a mission statement can help.

around clarity. around the goal

Why is empathy important?

this nails down the golal.

turn comments in to a shareable

surfacing what is relevant for people

people leapfrog the why question?

the bigger why questions is the most valuable.?

Why are are you here?

    • Opens the doors to different conversations

    • Tim interest in personal development and related to his project and help each other.



Same as Edwin - also interested in furthering design processes/education through empathy & technology.

Xuan interviews Tim

What was your experience of the Empathy Circle?

Really difficult to concentrate on the content, as he was preoccupied with the process / technology (so much onscreen) and was amazed by the degree of distraction.

    • Disadvantage: stopping and starting : tech makes us super conscious of taking turns, and he much more focused on the timing, turn taking, (administrative and technical processes) than on the content. Frustrated as he doesn’t feel he can really be himself while using technology, maybe in person he would be different.

    • Advantage : amazed by the fact that our geography is not an issue in being able to facilitate this process. In some ways the tech is enabling the process

Tech will probably evolve, but the non-verbal, physical attributes of conversation (eye contact, etc) are missing somehow. The differences in space or “face to face” conversations is still too great. Even the place where you Have to look to see others on the screen makes him feel disconnected (when he looks down). This is one of the main reasons for his participation, to figure out a way to reposition thumbnails, for example, to make this more natural.

I was preoccupied with the technology. I found it amazing how distracted I was with the scrern

Found it difficult to concentrate on what people is saying.

Preoccupied with the process and what is going on the screen

What are problems of disadvantages of using the technolog?

Disadvantages:Stopping & re-starting, is distracting/ Worried about the order and time. Taking turns is uncomfortable.technology is getting on the way.

Advantages: fascination about technology enables and makes hard the process. Being in the room would be different.

in what order do I speak, I found it

What are some of the advantage that you felt good about.? about the Technolog?

feels amazing the we are in different places and

the technology is massively getting in the way nin connecting with you as people,.

in some way enabling, in other ways super frustrating, I can’t be myself.

If I was sat in a room it would be different.

When they get used to the technology do the get more familiar and more comfortable with the technology?

over time the

I struggling with the physical aspect of it. eye contact. Images in the screen and face to face. Disconnection. Looking at myself in the bottom of the screen at the same time I talk to you.

Solutions: simple way to make differences like this

Thumbnails moved around to have the feeling of looking at each other

Struggle: Physically present aspect, non verbal, eye contact.

Do you see solutions here?

yes, I want to see simple ways to come up with it.

move the thumbnails.

Xuan Interviewee Name: Tim

Insight: Tim had a lot of frustration because of the technology. One intriguing point is to have eye contact.

Feedback: difficulty having eye contact. super frustrating, because wasn’t able to edit and reload the google doc. technology is getting in the way.


  • Frustration

  • Distraction


  • Connection


    1. Explain upfront that the technology is immature / acknowledge limitations

    2. have practice sessions before course to build familiarity with technology

    3. resist temptation to redesign Google’s UX

    4. allow time for unstructured reflection in between exercises to build rapport between the groups

    5. have members meet online in pairs

    6. explain the feelings that might come up as a result of going through a process that is new like this.


Interested in exploring ways to build on & improve the HCD process - & share & receive some empathy & stories along the way!


Name: Tim

Intention: Taking part in the Practice, HCD process - forming views on how to help improve the process...

Goal: Listen!

Tim Talks to Edwin

Finds the process and amount of stuff challenging,

Avoid the need to change the process, be more constructive and help

step back a little to be and observant and so the process will not be derailed

The HCD was never intended for designer but to help non-design trained people to get tools for the problem solving . Frustration because important parts of designing are being overlooked

Challenges : the way I can thrive to solve problem, is not the way not professional design people tackled them, Wok them. Is difficult to explain

This process has a lot of ambiguity. Figure out quickly the ambiguity is one thing I do fast.

Is too big and complex to solve in a couple of hours

The amount of information make him what to do something else.

Designing editing process getting rid for everything that is irrelevant.

What are we trying to achieve?

Potential - I see the same as Mercedes…

Looking at the process within the time line we have does not allow to change the process.

Buying more that we can chew

We have not define what we are here for and what we want to achieve.

The need for context/goal/ no matter what process we go through.

Trying to go with it as much as I can. Noticing there are big kind of issues that for me make the process very difficult and frustrating. No clarity around what we are trying to achieve at the end of the course

Interested to contribute and help in positive way but is difficult because is kind of lose

Name: Tim

Instinctively, how excited are you about this design challenge?

Least ( )1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 ( X)8 ( )9 ( )10 Most

What potential for impact in your community does this design challenge have?

Least ( )1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 ( X)8 ( )9 ( )10 Most

How feasible is it to tackle this challenge over the next three classes of the course?

Least ( )1 ( X)2 ()3 ( )4 ( )5 ( )6 ( )7 ( )8 ( )9 ( )10 Most

Write your thoughts about the challenge and write another one if you like:

The real challenge is in how the course itself is set-up & presented (ie before doing the “project”. As a designer that is where I would start - to get clarity on the course presentation & simplify goals to maximize the usefulness of output. Quality not quantity.

03 Team Knowledge & Assumptions—20 mins

How might we redesign the Empathy Circle to foster a more empathic way of being?

What are the aspects of the challenge that you already know a lot about?

Tim: The Circles get easier with practice - & especially building on familiarity with each other (ie the dynamic changes & gets easier over time). The presentation of info & process needs a ton of help to be more effective.

What are your assumptions?

The HCD process takes a lot of “Work”/effort to explain & understand. It is assumed that people will want to read about it (not necessarily the case). It is poorly communicated - could benefit from a more active explanations.

Santa Cruz NVC

Nonviolent Communications

D. Analogous Inspiration Locations

    • Expat Support (esp around repatriation)

    • Integrating with other psychotherapy group support eg DBT

    • Political Debate!

    • Combined online with live group settings (hybrid groups)

Intellectual vs Emotional (- need both).

Where are the aspects of the design challenge where you need to learn more?

Need familiarity with the empathy-circle goals to help make them worthwhile for end-users - to help them understand what the personal and wider benefits are. Figuring out how to toggle between talk/listen & conversation - Conversation enables real-time reflection/ideas.

What don’t you know?

Almost Everything. Almost. Some things aren’t solve-able via a process - they take inspiration, spark & talent - and most of all conversation outside time-limited boundaries.

04 Plan Your Research—1+ hours

A. People to Learn from

Group Members - Santa Cruz NVC

B. Experts to Speak to

My 1:1 Therapist

C. In-Context Immersion Locations