Chicken Sausage

Here is a low-saturated fat recipe I developed for making a delicious breakfast sausage using skinless/fatless chicken breast. If you don't like any of the ingredients, leave them out.

For each ONE POUND of ground chicken breast, add:


• 1 tsp salt

• 1 tsp basil

• 1 tsp parsley

• 1 tsp fennel *

• 1 tsp caraway *

• 1-1/2 tsp poultry seasoning

• 1 tsp cayenne powder or pepper flakes

• 1 tsp Montreal chicken spice * (optional)

• 1 TBS garlic powder

• 1 TBS onion powder

• 3 TBS water

• 3 TBS oil

* pulverize these items in a blade coffee grinder

This is a delicious mixture.