Man Loses Eye in Shell Lake Bear Attack

Post date: Jun 24, 2013 12:23:51 PM

June 20, 2013

Shell Lake, WI ( --- The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources says Monday night's bear attack in Shell Lake, Wisconsin resulted in serious injuries.

On Monday night 63 year old Jerry Brown encountered a large black bear in his yard.

The bear at first headed away from Brown but then turned and attacked him.

Neighbors say bear sightings in the area are not uncommon.

"They come out of the woods or across the driveway just kind of sniff around and looking for bird feeders usually easy, easy food sources," says neighbor, Scott Carls.

Brown tried to get away from the bear but it continued to come after him which prompted Randy Brown, Jerry's brother, to shoot at the bear, causing it to run off.

A third Brown brother who lives in Eau Claire says that the injuries Jerry suffered are quite severe.

"He lost his left eye, it did crush his nose, it crushed his face. They inserted like four metal plates yesterday and they put a titanium plate under one eye," says Bob Brown.

A bear has since been seen around the Brown house and a shooting permit has been issued to Randy Brown.

"His brother did see a large bear in his driveway and had two cubs, so we're thinking that perhaps that was the bear that caused the problem," says Mike Zeckmeister.

Two "live traps" have been placed near the Brown's home in an effort to catch the bear.

"We see them usually pretty often in the spring and summertime anyways, so, they usually are not that bold I guess," says Carls.

District Wildlife Supervisor of Northern Wisconsin, Mike Zeckmeister says once bears become habituated with people and human food sources the bears become much more dangerous.

Brown remains in serious, but stable, condition at North Memorial Hospital in the Twin Cities.

Elsa Robins