Black Bear Located in Backyard Tree After Being Chased Through Massachusetts Neighborhood

Post date: May 20, 2019 4:48:55 PM

People Magazine

By Eric Todisco May 17, 2019 02:17 PM

After being found, the bear was tranquilized by authorities, moved to a safe location, and released

Residents of Arlington, Massachusetts, looking out the window on Friday morning may have spotted an unexpected visitor to their quiet neighborhood — a black bear.

Authorities and officials were led on a chase after the bear, which wandered into the quiet Arlington neighborhood on its own, according to NBC Boston.

After calls about bear sightings came to officials on Friday morning, the local police quickly joined the Massachusetts Environmental Police in a search for the wild animal, which lasted until about 9 a.m.

The bear was finally located in the branches of a tree behind a residential home. An hour and a half after being found, the bear jumped down from the tree. Authorities tranquillized the animal after it was safely on the ground.

Despite being told by authorities to stay inside, many residents gathered outside of their homes to see the spectacle.

“I thought it was cool,” one girl, who watched the incident from afar, toldNBC Boston.

The bear was removed from the area by environmental police and is being transported for release to a wooded area of western Massachusetts off Interstate 495.