To support Maine vote on bears, USSA sponsors hunt in .... Quebec?

Post date: Dec 31, 2014 3:32:30 PM

Jeff Frischkorn Blog

December 29, 2014

Wait a minute; I want to get this picture right.

In order to celebrate the sportsmens' and sportswomens' victory over the Humane Society of the United States regarding the anti-bear-hunting voter initiative in Maine back in November, the Columbus, Ohio-based U.S. Sportsmens Alliance will conduct a drawing for a black bear hunt in where’s that you say... Quebec?

Yep, that’s what the Alliance’s is proudly boasting about its latest 16-page e-edition newsletter. The promotional, from-the-heart five-day, 2015 spring trophy bear hunt is being co-hosted by Horseshoe Hill Outfitters near Val-Dor. That’s in Quebec. Which is in Canada. And which is a pretty far piece from Maine, if you want to set your GPS for proper directions.

Now I am going to assume that the brain trust at the Alliance is aware that Quebec is not a part of Maine, let alone the United States.

Which begs this question: After all that effort to successfully thump the HSUS was the Alliance unable to locate a receptive, appreciative, friendly-Down-East-Maine bear-hunting guide willing to donate a hunt?

Maybe so since the Alliance had to go to another country and to a province where English is the official second language in order to celebrate a victory over anti-hunters in the good old United States of America.

Geeze, no way could I have made this one up.