Bear breaks into NM home and attacks 82-year-old bedridden woman, who suffers minor injuries

Post date: Jun 10, 2013 2:54:35 PM

    • Article by: Associated Press

    • Updated: June 6, 2013 - 7:51 AM

RATON, N.M. - State wildlife officials say an 82-year-old bedridden woman suffered scratches on her face and head when a 400-pound black bear broke into her northern New Mexico home and attacked her.

The Department of Game and Fish says it happened Tuesday night north of Cimarron.

According to the agency, the woman told authorities she was in bed with the doors and windows open when the bear broke the latch on a screen door and entered her bedroom.

A housekeeper went in about 10 p.m. to close the doors and turn off the lights and found the woman with scratches on her nose and head.

The department described the woman's injuries as minor, but said she didn't want her name released.

Dogs tracked the bear, and wildlife officers caught and killed it Wednesday. The carcass was taken to the Veterinarian Diagnostic Center in Albuquerque, where it will be tested for rabies.