Yale Messaging

Yale Message Training


Steps to create a Wright Lab E-mail in Yale Messaging system

Browser information: As of May 2021, the only browser that works for Yale Messaging is Chrome.

  1. Sign in to Yale messaging via CAS at http://yalemessage.yale.edu/

  2. On the "home" screen, you should Click on "Email studio," then "Email" in the drop down menu (see upper left in the screenshot, below).

  3. Then you will get the screen you see below in the screenshot.

4. At the bottom right of this screen are shortcuts. One says "Create E-mail" (see screenshot, below, for a closeup).

5. Click "Create E-mail".

6. This will take you to the "Create an Email" screen (see screenshot, below).

7. Click on the appropriate Zoom Seminar Template (WIDG, NPA, YPPDO, etc. - see screenshot where WIDG is selected).

8. Press the blue box that says "Select" at the bottom right of the page (see screenshot).

9. This will then take you to the "define E-mail properties" screen.

more instructions coming soon...