A/V & Meeting Room Setups

Below are instructions for the A/V in our two meeting rooms (WL-216 and WLC-245).  To use a meeting room, please check the meeting room calendars  for availability and make a reservation with your administrative support staff member.

Note for administrative staff: When trying to book a room that is controlled by another department, please use 25Live first, and then  if the room is not there please use https://yalecollege.yale.edu/academics/directory-duss-assistants-and-registrars to find contact information for the undergraduate registrar for that department. If you don’t know what department is in what building, then email classrooms@yale.edu for the FAS Registrar’s office and they can either book the room for you, if it is one they control, or will let you know what department to contact.

2022 Yale Physics event planning guide

2022 Yale Physics event planning guide

Catering and food delivery tip policy from Yale Physics

WL 216 room configuration study


WL-216 & WLC-245 instructions

(FALL 2023) WRIGHT Lab AV equipment guide 216 V1
(SPRING 2024) WRIGHT Lab AV equipment guide WLC 245

Apple TV instructions


Logitech Phones


Front and common room displays - changing slideshows

Remote Access (try this first):

2. In the "Enter remote address" text field, enter the ID.

Atrium (Seminar) Display (2nd floor): 650 844 828

Lobby (Main) Display (1st floor): 754 380 650

3. Press connect and enter the password

4. When finished, click the red X in the upper toolbar to disconnect.

Physical Access:

Once signed in: