WL Public Website

Updating your directory page on the Wright Lab public website (wlab.yale.edu)

1) Go to https://wlab.yale.edu/cas

2) Tell the CAPTCHA you're not a robot by clicking in the checkbox.

3) Log in via CAS.

4) You should now see your directory page with your name at the top and at least some of your info.

5) Click the Edit tab and fill out the form. Press save at the bottom of the form to save your edits.

This submitted information will populate several of the directory pages on the website under the "People" menu.


If your image will not save, it may be too large. Decrease the size and try again.

Adding a News item to the website

Note: This can only be done by those with edit access to the website. To get edit access, please contact Victoria Misenti.

1) Go to https://wlab.yale.edu/cas

2) Log in via CAS.

3) Choose "Add Content" in the administrative menu bar at the top of the screen.

4) Choose "News".

5) Fill out the form. Press save at the bottom of the form to save your submission.

This submitted information will populate several of the news feeds on the website.

Adding an event to the website

Note: This can only be done by those with edit access to the wrightlab Bedework calendar. To get edit access, please contact Victoria Misenti.

1) Go to calendar.yale.edu.

2) Scroll down to see "Manage Events" towards the bottom of the left sidebar navigation menu. Click "Manage Events".

3) You will now see the Calendar Administration menu. Click on wrightlabAdminGroup.

4) This will take you to a new page. Click on the "Add Event" icon.

5) Fill out the form and make sure to do the following:

    • Create an Indico page for the event and put the link in one of the options for Event URL.

    • Add the relevant image to the public website server and get its URL to link it to the event at the appropriate place in the form.

    • Check the box to also suggest the event to the Physics department near the bottom.

    • Press "Add Event" at the bottom of the form to save your submission.

This submitted information will populate several of the event feeds on the website.

Sample form responses for adding an event:

Calendar Admin_ Public Events Administration.pdf

Photo credits: All photo credits for WL images should be: Yale Wright Laboratory / photographer