Software provided by Yale

There are two central places to find downloadable software provided by Yale:

Software license entitlements are governed by both your role at the university and the purpose to which you put the software.

The Yale Software Library uses your CAS login to determine your Yale affiliation and presents a list of free, university purchased, and for-purchase software to which you are entitled. University purchased software requires authentication against your Yale NetID under CAS or your account under Microsoft Office 365. For-purchase software is provided under a negotiated volume cost with a vendor and requires a chart of accounts (COA) string to recover costs against that volume cost.

Details for access to the titles in the Science Research Software Core are provided in this table.

Another resource that might be helpful is LinkedIn Learning. Eligible faculty, student, and staff members can access over 9,000 courses in leadership and professional development, business, creative design, information technology, and tools for classroom instruction.

If you have any other questions, please post them to the Wright Laboratory Slack #computing channel with a mention to @Vincent Balbarin.