
Please read the following documents, attached below, before making any travel plans.  For administrative support with travel logistics, please contact the administrative assistant assigned to your research group according to the Administrative Support webpage.

Yale Travel Policy Website

Travel on University Business policy page

Announcement 04/03/24

The university will be consolidating its travel booking service providers, and World Travel is now the preferred providerBeginning May 1, 2024, Egencia should not be used for new bookings.

Consolidating travel booking with World Travel will:

The Business Office support staff will be trained in booking travel with World Travel Concur for both federally sponsored and non-sponsored travel.  Faculty and staff may use World Travel to book travel now. Travelers should review and update their profiles or set them up if they haven’t already done so. This will make the booking process faster and easier. Egencia will remain open for travelers with trips already booked in Egencia until the trip has been completed.  


Additional Resources:

For questions pertaining to World Travel, please visit the Yale Travel website: Yale Travel Management | It's Your Yale


See the Yale Travel website for more information on booking with World Travel: Yale Travel Management | It's Your Yale 

For assistance with reservations or navigating the online booking tool, please contact the preferred travel agency:


World Travel: 1-833-780-1302

Egencia: 1-669-228-7470


Getting started with World Travel: Getting Started with World Travel | It's Your Yale

Our understanding is that the World Travel team is exceptionally knowledgeable and has been a valuable resource to travelers already transitioned over to their platform.

Documents related to travel

Wright Lab Travel-2017Mar.pdf
Copy of MaruyamaGroupPDRates2022.pdf
Internal travel form 2024.xls