Mechanics, Media, Vehicle Ownership

In general, 3 credit classes equal 0.5 blocks of time in the timetable and 5 credit classes equal 1.0 blocks of time in the timetable.  Grade 10 and 11 students are expected to have a full timetable (no spares), 8.0 blocks.

Many of our options have course fees: Current Course Fees


Mechanics 10: 3 - 4 credits [0.5 blocks] 

[Program Video] 

At the introductory level, the student is given the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the mechanics strand. Student safety, tools & shop equipment, vehicle maintenance, basics of electronics and pneumatic and hydraulics are taught. All 3 units of study must be completed before the student can apply to take the 20 or 30 level courses. This course is designed to give the student a sample as to what a mechanics course encompasses and to help them to decide whether a career in mechanics is of interest to them. Mechanics courses are unique because of the mixture of busy shop work combined with high research content. The student should be self motivated, have regular attendance and time management skills.  [Sample Course Outline]

Mechanics 20: 5 - 10 credits [1.0 blocks]

     Prerequisites: MEC1110 from Mechanics 10

At the intermediate level, students will acquire the knowledge to further their skills related to the mechanics strand. Lubrication and     cooling, emission systems, brakes and engine fundamentals, electrical systems and power actuation are taught. This course takes an in depth look at the most popular systems of a vehicle.

Mechanics 30: 5 - 10 credits [1.0 blocks]

Prerequisites: MEC1040, MEC2070, and MEC2100 from Mechanics 20

At the advanced level, students develop their skill to the industry standard of competencies related to the mechanics strand. Engine diagnosis, advanced electrical and computer systems, safety systems, and power assist systems are taught at this level.


Media Studies focuses on the creative aspect of exploring new media, emerging technologies such as digital animation, special effects, video game design and a variety of traditional art forms such as photography, video and graphic arts. Students will acquire communications skills that are transferable beyond the media arts classroom and develop an understanding of responsible practices related to the creative process. Students will develop the skills necessary to create and interpret media art Works.

Media Studies 10: 3 credits [0.5 blocks] 

[Program Video] 

Students are introduced into the world of Media Studies. The Introductory course of Media Studies lays the foundation of the principles of photography, audio/video techniques, animation and graphics. [Sample Course Outline]

Media Studies 20: 5 credits [1.0 blocks]

Intermediate Media Studies explores different media forms and examines their impact on society. Students are introduced to electronic publishing and then choose a preferred focus: Photography or Audio/Video and explore the various components within their focus.

Media Studies 30: 5 credits [1.0 blocks]

Advanced Media Studies is a customizable course that allows students to develop their skills and creativity to set their path to be successful after high school. Students may look at advanced techniques in audio and video, try their hand at creative script writing, explore some of the many advanced photography modules available or expand their knowledge and skill in animation or web design. Students may also develop portfolios or reels which they may require for entrance to post secondary programs.


Vehicle Ownership: 3 credits [0.5 blocks] 

[Program Video] 

This course should acquaint you with enough vehicle terminology to be able to discuss and understand what a mechanic is talking about when describing necessary repairs to your vehicle. Vehicle  Ownership is distinct from the regular Mechanics stream and does not provide any of the prerequisites for continuing in Mechanics.  [Sample Course Outline] Vehicle Ownership is not a prerequisite for Mechanics 20

Vehicle Ownership is designed for the student who wants to know about: