Agriculture, Business Studies

In general, 3 credit classes equal 0.5 blocks of time in the timetable and 5 credit classes equal 1.0 blocks of time in the timetable. Grade 10 and 11 students are expected to have a full timetable (no spares), 8.0 blocks.

Many of our options have course fees: Current Course Fees


LCHS is offering a hands-on 3 or 5 credit agricultural CTS option that will utilize our greenhouse and urban cultivators. Students will earn credits as they plant, harvest and produce healthy food that will be used in the cafeteria and sold to the community. Students will learn entrepreneurial and leadership skills as they are given the opportunity to create a business plan around marketing our produce, building agricultural products or teaching others about the innovative skills they are learning.

Agriculture 10: 3 credits [0.5 blocks]

[Program Video] [Sample Course Outline]

The following courses will be offered:

    1. Introduction to Agriculture (AGR1010) – students will explore and gain an understanding of the diversity and significance of agriculture.

    2. Agriculture Safety (AGR3000) – students will learn about safe agricultural practices and will develop their own safety protocols regarding the greenhouse.

    3. Greenhouse Crops I (AGR1055) – students will learn to operate our state of the art greenhouse and will have the opportunity to grow their own food for the cafeteria or for sale to the community.

    4. Plant Propagation (AGR1050) – students will have the opportunity to prepare the soil, plant and harvest food crops for the cafeteria or for sale to the community

    5. Gardening (AGR1055) – students will learn about basic gardening in Alberta. Students will get the opportunity to mentor elementary students through the little green thumbs program or teach community members the basics of gardening

    6. Agriculture Technology (AGR1100) – students explore applications of science and technology in the agriculture industry. Students will have the opportunity to operate the EARTH BOX SYSTEM and the URBAN CULTIVATOR.


Business Studies has students determine problems that exist in the world and what solutions could create feasible business opportunities. Students look at developing, marketing, managing and expanding these ventures throughout their high school career. The businesses can turn into real ventures or be theoretical in nature.

Business Studies 10: 3 credits [0.5 blocks]

[Program Video]

This course focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan successful ventures that enable them to achieve their goals. Students create a theoretical venture plan for a student-run business. Through hands-on experiences, students will have opportunities to develop the values, traits and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurs and design a business that has the potential to be successful. [Sample Course Outline]

Business Studies 20: 5 credits [1.0 blocks]

In Intermediate Business Studies, students analyze, brand and market their business. Students develop slogans, advertisements as well as study various marketing strategies, including e-commerce. They further explore how to create a successful venture and the various ways to communicate with stakeholders.

Business Studies 30: 5 credits [1.0 blocks]

Students take their venture even further. This course focuses on the management, merchandising and expansion of their business. Students look at processes of setting up their venture in a retail space and distributing it to local, national and global markets.