Recording Artist

The O1 Band Lecsit along with Georgia visited Ising Sugar Studios to record their songs. They learned all about the equipment used in the recording and editing process and picked up some great tips for getting the best result when recording. Georgia was up first singing Most Girls. After a couple of warm-ups she was ready to give it her all and got the whole track nailed in just 4-5 takes. Danny was very impressed by her professionalism.

Next it was the O1 band's turn. Danny had listened to a video of their performance at school assembly recently and had matched a drum track to the song. Ethan was up first on keyboard, laying the foundation for the rest of the group to build upon. He was so incredible that Danany tried recruiting him for his own band!

Toma and Callum were up next, adding percussion to the track, followed by Ivy with vocals that made Danny tear up!

Liam and Skip were last, adding the guitars to the mix and finishing off an incredible song!

Danny will now spend some time editing the track and blending all the components together into what will be an incredible song!

Stay tuned for Georgia and the O1 Band's songs soon! Next Tuesday the remaining recording artists will have their turn to visit the studio. We cant wait to hear how their songs turn out too!