Museum Curator

Today we time travelled back to the early 1900s with Michelle our amazing host at Couldrey House Wenderholm. She shared all the treasures housed there with us and helped us gain an understanding of how life was for the various families who owned the house over time.

The children helped Michelle prepare for the upcoming Heritage Week exhibition called Going Beach by framing up photos of famous faces that have visited the house over the years and by creating a photo story depicting how people used to travel by boat from around Auckland to visit Wenderholm in the past.

We learned to play croquet and quoits, though we think we may have got a little creative with the rules as it seemed a little more wild than how it appears in the movies!

We finished up our trip with a treasure hunt around the house using clues. Our answers spelled out Queen Elizabeth 2 who has actually visited Couldrey House!

Thank you so much Michelle for sharing your knowledge with us! Good luck for your exhibition