2018-03-17 Ansible Playbook to Install GI Software


Now that I have organised all of my playbooks into roles, I can now install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) software in silent mode. To do this, I need to construct a template for the response file and variables to fill in the blanks.



Create Template File From Sample Response File

Following the procedure in C.2.1 Editing a Response File Template. I replaced the responses with Ansible variables.

I copied the sample response file, grid_install.rsp, into the directory, /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/templates, on AUBURN.

scp redfern1:/opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid/response/grid_install.rsp /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/templates

Update Template File

I updated the response file, grid_install.rsp, with the original text in grid_install_original.rsp. I used the following command to confirm the changes:

diff grid_install_original.rsp grid_install.rsp

The differences are in diff output with changes in bold

54c54 < ORACLE_HOSTNAME= --- > ORACLE_HOSTNAME={{ ansible_nodename }} 60c60 < INVENTORY_LOCATION= --- > INVENTORY_LOCATION={{ oracle_gi.inventory_location }} 109c109 < oracle.install.option= --- > oracle.install.option=CRS_SWONLY 114c114 < ORACLE_BASE= --- > ORACLE_BASE={{ oracle_gi.oracle_base }} 119c119 < ORACLE_HOME= --- > ORACLE_HOME={{ oracle_gi.oracle_home }}

Update Role Variables File

Based on the variables put into the template file, grid_install.rsp, the contents of /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/vars/main.yml are set to:

--- # vars file for oracle_gi "oracle_gi": "inventory_location": "/opt/app" "oracle_base": "/opt/app/grid" "oracle_home": "/opt/app/12.1.0/grid" ...

Tasks for Installing GI Software (1)

I created the following tasks file in /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/install_gi_sw.yml:

--- # ============================================================================= # Install Oracle GI Software Only: # (1) Create response file for silent installation # ============================================================================= - name: Create response file for silent installation template: src: "grid_install.rsp" dest: "{{ oracle_gi.oracle_base }}/grid_install.rsp" ...

Update Main Tasks File for ORACLE_GI Group

I updated the main tasks file for the oracle_gi group, /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/main.yml, as follows (changes are in bold):

--- # tasks file for oracle_gi # ============================================================================= # (1) Install Oracle ASMLib Driver # (2) Configure Oracle ASMLib Driver # (3) Install Oracle GI Software Only # ============================================================================== - name: Install and configure Oracle ASMLib driver block: - import_tasks: gi_asm.yml - import_tasks: oracleasm.yml become: yes become_user: root - name: Install Oracle GI Software Only block: - import_tasks: install_gi_sw.yml become: yes become_user: oracle tags: install_gi_sw ...

Because I do not want to run all of the tasks in the main playbook, I have added a tag of install_gi_sw. This allows me to just run this group of tasks.

I have used the block to assign common attributes to a group of tasks.

The privilege escalation is for oracle, not root.

Run Main Playbook (1)

I ran the main playbook, /etc/ansible/sites.yml, as follows:

ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass --tags "install_gi_sw" /etc/ansible/sites.yml

The output was:

SUDO password: PLAY [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] **************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] TASK [oracle_gi : Create response file for silent installation] **************** changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* redfern1.yaocm.id.au : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

Using diff to compare between the template and the generated response file, the following differences were found:

54c54 < ORACLE_HOSTNAME={{ ansible_nodename }} --- > ORACLE_HOSTNAME=redfern1.yaocm.id.au 60c60 < INVENTORY_LOCATION={{ oracle_gi.inventory_location }} --- > INVENTORY_LOCATION=/opt/app 114c114 < ORACLE_BASE={{ oracle_gi.oracle_base }} --- > ORACLE_BASE=/opt/app/grid 119c119 < ORACLE_HOME={{ oracle_gi.oracle_home }} --- > ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/12.1.0/grid

The variable substitutions were done correctly.

Update Tasks to Run Installer in Silent Mode

Based on the procedure in C.3 Running the Installer Using a Response File, I updated /etc/ansible/roles/oracle_gi/tasks/install_gi_sw.yml as follows (changes are in bold):

--- # ============================================================================= # Install Oracle GI 12.1 Software Only: # (1) Create response file for silent installation # (2) Install Oracle GI 12.1 Software Only in Silent Mode # (3) Run root scripts # ============================================================================= - set_fact: response_file: "{{ oracle_gi.oracle_base }}/grid_install.rsp" installer_loc: "/opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid" - name: Create response file for silent installation template: src: "grid_install.rsp" dest: "{{ response_file }}"- name: Install Oracle GI 12.1 Software Only in Silent Mode command: "{{ installer_loc }}/runInstaller -silent -noconfig -responseFile {{ response_file }}" args: chdir: "{{ installer_loc }}" creates: "{{ oracle_gi.oracle_home }}/*" register: gi_sw_install_result - debug: var: gi_sw_install_result verbosity: 1 - name: Run root scripts after installation of Oracle GI 12.1 Software block: - name: Run orainstRoot.sh after Oracle GI 12.1 Software Installation command: "{{ oracle_gi.oracle_home }}/orainstRoot.sh" - name: Run root.sh after Oracle GI 12.1 Software Installation command: "{{ oracle_gi.oracle_home }}/root.sh" become: yes become_user: root when: - gi_sw_install_result.changed - gi_sw_install_result|succeeded ...

I have added two (2) facts via the set_fact module:

    1. response_file: name of the response file for the installer;
    2. installer_loc: directory where the installer program (runInstaller) is located.

The installation of the Oracle GI is only attempted if the Oracle Home is empty — this is achieved with the creates argument.

If the installer made changes and ran successfully, then the two (2) root scripts are executed as the root user.

Run Main Playbook (2)

I ran the main playbook, /etc/ansible/sites.yml, as follows (with some debugging output enabled through the -v option):

ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass --tags "install_gi_sw" /etc/ansible/sites.yml -v

The output is:

Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file SUDO password: PLAY [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] **************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] TASK [oracle_gi : set_fact] **************************************************** ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => {"ansible_facts": {"installer_loc": "/opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid", "response_file": "/opt/app/grid/grid_install.rsp"}, "changed": false} TASK [oracle_gi : Create response file for silent installation] **************** ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => {"changed": false, "checksum": "298639b71a6eb841589a876bb9f14f8e80897fd9", "gid": 54321, "group": "oinstall", "mode": "0644", "owner": "oracle", "path": "/opt/app/grid/grid_install.rsp", "secontext": "system_u:object_r:usr_t:s0", "size": 24814, "state": "file", "uid": 54321} TASK [oracle_gi : Install Oracle GI 12.1 Software Only in Silent Mode] ********* changed: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["/opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid/runInstaller", "-silent", "-noconfig", "-responseFile", "/opt/app/grid/grid_install.rsp"], "delta": "0:00:15.183930", "end": "2018-03-17 17:56:38.353572", "rc": 0, "start": "2018-03-17 17:56:23.169642", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "Starting Oracle Universal Installer...\n\nChecking Temp space: must be greater than 415 MB. Actual 44113 MB Passed\nChecking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 3967 MB Passed\nPreparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2018-03-17_05-56-23PM. Please wait ...", "stdout_lines": ["Starting Oracle Universal Installer...", "", "Checking Temp space: must be greater than 415 MB. Actual 44113 MB Passed", "Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 3967 MB Passed", "Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2018-03-17_05-56-23PM. Please wait ..."]} TASK [oracle_gi : debug] ******************************************************* ok: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au] => { "gi_sw_install_result": { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "/opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid/runInstaller", "-silent", "-noconfig", "-responseFile", "/opt/app/grid/grid_install.rsp" ], "delta": "0:00:15.183930", "end": "2018-03-17 17:56:38.353572", "failed": false, "rc": 0, "start": "2018-03-17 17:56:23.169642", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "Starting Oracle Universal Installer...\n\nChecking Temp space: must be greater than 415 MB. Actual 44113 MB Passed\nChecking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 3967 MB Passed\nPreparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2018-03-17_05-56-23PM. Please wait ...", "stdout_lines": [ "Starting Oracle Universal Installer...", "", "Checking Temp space: must be greater than 415 MB. Actual 44113 MB Passed", "Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 3967 MB Passed", "Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2018-03-17_05-56-23PM. Please wait ..." ] } } TASK [oracle_gi : Run orainstRoot.sh after Oracle GI 12.1 Software Installation] *** fatal: [redfern1.yaocm.id.au]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/opt/app/12.1.0/grid/orainstRoot.sh", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2} to retry, use: --limit @/etc/ansible/sites.retry PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* redfern1.yaocm.id.au : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=1

This is unexpected.

Run Installer Manually

On REDFERN1, I executed the installer manually as follows:

sudo -u oracle /opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid/runInstaller -silent -noconfig -responseFile /opt/app/grid/grid_install.rsp

The output was:

[sudo] password for douglas: Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking Temp space: must be greater than 415 MB. Actual 43625 MB Passed Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 3967 MB Passed Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2018-03-17_11-55-11PM. Please wait ...[douglas@redfern1 ~]$ [FATAL] [INS-10105] The given response file /opt/app/grid/grid_install.rsp is not valid. CAUSE: Syntactically incorrect response file. Either unexpected variables are specified or expected variables are not specified in the response file. ACTION: Refer the latest product specific response file template SUMMARY: - cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'cat'. One of '{oracle.install.option, INVENTORY_LOCATION, UNIX_GROUP_NAME, ORACLE_HOME, oracle.install.IsBuiltInAccount, oracle.install.OracleHomeUserName, oracle.install.OracleHomeUserPassword, oracle.install.crs.config.ClusterType, oracle.install.crs.config.autoConfigureClusterNodeVIP, oracle.install.bigcluster.config.TargetHubSize, oracle.install.crs.config.clusterNodes, oracle.install.crs.managementdb.configure, oracle.install.crs.config.sharedFileSystemStorage.ocrLocations, oracle.install.crs.config.gpnp.configureGNS, oracle.install.crs.config.assignNodeTypeAsAuto, oracle.install.crs.config.gpnp.scanPort, oracle.install.crs.config.useIPMI, oracle.install.asm.OSDBA, oracle.install.crs.nodeListenerUser, oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy, oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.AUSize, oracle.install.asm.monitorPassword, oracle.install.asm.ClientDataFile, oracle.install.config.managementOption, oracle.install.config.omsPort, oracle.installer.autoupdates.option, oracle.installer.autoupdates.downloadUpdatesLoc, AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME, AUTOUPDATES_MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD, PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT, PROXY_USER, PROXY_PWD, PROXY_REALM, ConfigWizard}' is expected. A log of this session is currently saved as: /tmp/OraInstall2018-03-17_11-55-11PM/installActions2018-03-17_11-55-11PM.log. Oracle recommends that if you want to keep this log, you should move it from the temporary location.

This needs further investigation.