04 Finish OEM Virtualisation Intallation

Install VNC Viewer

Following How to Enable Oracle VM Management Pack in EM Grid Control [ID 1125013.1], I downloaded Tight VNC Viewer. This jar file was put into /opt/oracle/app/OracleHomes/oms10g/j2ee/OC4J_EM/applications/em/em directory on GRIDCTRL. OMS was restarted.

Virtual Server Set Up

Using OEM, I clicked on the Targets tab, then the Virtual Servers tab:

Create Virtual Server Pool

I was hestitant to use the root user, but there are no other users defined on dom0 that can logon to it.

I get the following error message:

Master Oracle VM Agent is inactive. Could not proceed with the operation.

I can initiate a SSH session from GRIDCTRL ( to VICTORIA (

On Victoria, the status of the agent is:

[root@victoria ~]# service ovs-agent status
log server (pid 3611) is running...
notification server (pid 3618) is running...
remaster server (pid 3621) is running...
monitor server (pid 3624) is running...
ha server (pid 3627) is running...
stats server (pid 3630) is running...
xmlrpc server (pid 3632) is running...