2014-03-06 Fix OS Install Issues


After I rebooted CRONULLA, I found I had several issues.


I found the following issues:

    1. CRONULLA was not in DNS
    2. CRONULLA was not accessible
    3. CRONULLA could not do DNS lookup


Update Name Server

I updated the following two (2) files on GRIDCTRL to match the data presented in IP Addresses:

    • /var/named/chroot/var/named/yaocm.id.au.rr.zone
    • /var/named/chroot/var/named/yaocm.id.au.zone

And I restarted the named service.

Created resolv.conf

On CRONULLA, I created /etc/resolv.conf with the following content:

search yaocm.id.au nameserver nameserver

Enable eth0 on Start-up

On CRONULLA, I updated /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with the following content:


Change NIC to Bridged Network

I had forgotten to set the NIC to Bridged Network instead of NAT. Used VirtualBox to change the settings for the NIC.