12 Patch GI with PSU


I now need to apply the latest PSU to GI (


Prepare for PSU

Download PSU

Download the PSU from Patch 24412235: GRID INFRASTRUCTURE PATCH SET UPDATE (OCT2016).

Check OPATCH Version

Used the following command to get the version of opatch:

/opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid/OPatch/opatch version

The output was:

OPatch Version: OPatch succeeded.

Since the version is less than, I need to get the latest OPatch from 6880880.

Update OPatch

The latest OPatch is downloaded from 6880880 as /opt/share/Software/OPatch/p6880880_121010_Linux-x86-64.zip.

The Readme says:

The new opatch utility should be updated in all the Oracle RAC database homes and the GI home that are being patched.

OPatch was updated as follows:

unzip -o /opt/share/Software/OPatch/p6880880_121010_Linux-x86-64.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid unzip -o /opt/share/Software/OPatch/p6880880_121010_Linux-x86-64.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1

The OPatch version is now correct:

OPatch Version: OPatch succeeded.

Download Patch

Downloaded patch from here into /tmp/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip.

Unzipped the patch as follows:

mkdir -p /opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64 unzip -q /tmp/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip -d /opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64

Create OCM Response File

The Readme says:

The OPatch utility prior to will prompt for your OCM (Oracle Configuration Manager) response file when it is run. You should enter a complete path of OCM response file if you already have created this in your environment. The OCM response file is required for versions earlier than and not needed for later versions.

As the OPatch version is, an OCM response file is not needed.

Patch Grid Infrastructure

GI Patch Conflict Detection

Ran the following command to detect any patch conflicts:

sudo /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid/OPatch/opatchauto apply /opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64/24412235 -analyze -oh /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid

The output was:

OPatchauto session is initiated at Tue Jan 3 20:08:39 2017 System initialization log file is /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchautodb/systemconfig2017-01-03_08-08-43PM.log. Session log file is /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto/opatchauto2017-01-03_08-08-46PM.log The id for this session is LBQI Executing OPatch prereq operations to verify patch applicability on home /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid Patch applicablity verified successfully on home /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid Verifying patch inventory on home /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid Patch inventory verified successfully on home /opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid OPatchAuto successful. --------------------------------Summary-------------------------------- Analysis for applying patches has failed: Host:gordon SIHA Home:/opt/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/grid Analysis for patches has failed. ERROR: Unable to register this patch /opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64/24412235. Selected Patch is not valid. OPATCHAUTO-72053: Analysis for the patches failed. OPATCHAUTO-72053: Command execution failed. OPATCHAUTO-72053: Please check the summary for more details. OPatchauto session completed at Tue Jan 3 20:08:55 2017 Time taken to complete the session 0 minute, 17 seconds

The log file, shows the following error:

/opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64/24412235/24006101/etc/config/actions.xml (No such file or directory) ERROR: Unable to register this patch /opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64/24412235 OPatchAutoBinary hit Binary Exception: oracle.opatchauto.core.binary.BinarySessionException: ERROR: Unable to register this patch /opt/share/Software/grid/p24412235_121020_Linux-x86-64/24412235. Selected Patch is not valid.

According to MOS Doc 2171515.1, there are no known issues with this PSU.

Since I am running an unsupported configuration (OEL7), I cannot raise a SR. I will have to revert to a supported configuration.