13 Downgrade GORDON to OEL6U5


Since I could not patch GI on OEL7U2, I decided to rebuild GORDON with OEL6U5.


    • None

Create New Disk Image

Reinitialise Disk

On VICTORIA, I reinitialised the root disk as follows:

cd /OVS/running_pool/GORDON dd bs=1G count=50 if=/dev/zero of=root_disk

Change Software Source

I updated /OVS/running_pool/GORDON/gordon.hvm on VICTORIA as follows to the ISO image from Victoria VM Resources:


Start Software Installation

On VICTORIA, I started the software installation as follows:

cd /OVS/running_pool/GORDON xl create gordon.hvm

I completed the software installation by connecting through Remmina on The installation was for a basic server.

Install Oracle Software Prerequisites

Upgrade Software Installation

On GORDON, I upgraded the software installation as follows:

yum upgrade -y -q

Use Pre-Installation RPM

Followed the procedure in Use Pre-Installation RPM.

Add Oracle Groups

Followed the procedure, Update Security, in 00 Setup.

Add Software Directory

Followed the procedure in Use NFS for Oracle Software. There was no need to extract the software.

Set Up ASM Disks

Followed the following procedures in 11 Correct GORDON Network Interface:

    1. Set Aside Disks for ASM
    2. Set Up UDEV Permissions

Install Oracle Software

Install Grid Infrastructure

Followed the procedure in Install GI Standalone. However, the modified key generation was used instead:

mkdir ~/.ssh cd ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f id_rsa cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

The base for the software installation was /opt/share/Software/grid/linuxamd64_12102/grid/.

Add FRA Disk Group

The DATA disk group was added during the GI installation. I Followed the procedure in Create New ASM Disk Group Using ASMCA to add the FRA disk group as /dev/sdc.

Install RDBMS Software

Followed the procedure in Install Oracle RDBMS With Grid Infrastructure with the base for software installation as /opt/share/Software/database/linuxamd64_12102/database.

Apply Maintenance

Followed the procedure in 12 Patch GI with PSU

Got the same error.

Since I now have a supported GI configuration, I have opened a SR with Oracle Support.