2015-06-15 Re-install as VM on Victoria


Because I was having hard-disk problems with my Toshiba lap-top where I had originally installed CRONULLA, I am doing a new installation to, and patch it to



Create VM

On VICTORIA, I created the following directory:

mkdir -p /OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA

I am planning to do a simple installation with BI Publisher, and reuse the repository in REPOS on GRIDCTRL.

Followed the advice given in 2.1 CPU, RAM, Heap Size, and Hard Disk Space Requirements for Oracle Management Service, I created a disk as follows with an extra 32GB of disk space because I found that 18GB was insufficient:

cd /OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA dd if=/dev/zero of=root_disk bs=1G count=50

Based on those recommendations, I created the following the XEN configuration file as /OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA/cronulla.hvm:

# ===================================================================== # HVM guest configuration for CRONULLA # Generated 2015-05-31 16:00:00 # ===================================================================== # # This is a fairly minimal example of what is required for an # HVM guest. For a more complete guide see xl.cfg(5) # This configures an HVM rather than PV guest builder = "hvm" # Guest name name = "cronulla" # 128-bit UUID for the domain as a hexadecimal number. # Use "uuidgen" to generate one if required. uuid = "710b738c-98fd-4105-9776-3cd84673a7f4" # Initial memory allocation (MB) memory = 6144 # Number of VCPUS vcpus = 2 # Network devices # A list of 'vifspec' entries as described in # docs/misc/xl-network-configuration.markdown vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3E:00:00:17,bridge=xenbr0' ] # Disk Devices # A list of 'diskspec' entries as described in # docs/misc/xl-disk-configuration.txt disk = [ '/OVS/running_pool/CRONULLA/root_disk,raw,xvda,rw', '/OVS/iso_pool/V41362-01.iso,raw,xvdc,ro,cdrom' ] # Guest VGA console configuration, either SDL or VNC vnc = 1 vnclisten = "" vncdisplay = "6"

Loaded OEL6u5 with a web server software installation and set up networking. The optional packages installed were X Window System under Desktops.

Download Software

Downloaded the following software:

    • em12104_linux64_disk1.zip
    • em12104_linux64_disk2.zip
    • em12104_linux64_disk3.zip
    • p20188140_121040_Generic.zip
    • p6880880_111000_Linux-x86-64.zip

These files were then transferred to CRONULLA into the /tmp directory.

Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements

According to 3 Meeting Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, OEL6 is supported for OEM

Create OS Group and User

Following the procedure in 4 Creating Operating System Groups and Users for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, I ran the following commands:

/usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall /usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall -G wheel oracle passwd oracle

The group, wheel, allows sudo access after visudo is used to update /etc/sudoers.

Create Installation Directories

As root, I ran the following commands to create the installation directories:

mkdir -p /opt/app/oracle/Middleware/ chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/app/oracle

As oracle, I ran the following commands to create the installation directories:

mkdir -p /opt/app/oracle/software/

Unpack Software

As oracle, I ran the following commands to create the installation directories:

unzip -qo /tmp/em12104_linux64_disk1.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software/ unzip -qo /tmp/em12104_linux64_disk2.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software/ unzip -qo /tmp/em12104_linux64_disk3.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software/ unzip -qo /tmp/p20188140_121040_Generic.zip -d /opt/app/oracle/software