Setting Up X-windows to a Remote Server


This procedure allows a terminal session on a Linux VM running on the Vaio laptop to access an X-windows application running on GRIDCTRL ( This procedure can be expanded to connect to other machines.



GRIDCTRL ( has been started in RUNLEVEL = 5 and has GNOME as the desktop.

Local VM

The local VM has been started in RUNLEVEL = 5 and has GNOME as the desktop.

Authorisation on Local Host

To allow the remote host (GRIDCTRL ( to send X commands to the X-server on the local system, enter the following commands in the root environment:

# xhost -

access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

# xhost being added to access control list

# xhost

access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect

INET: (no nameserver response within 5 seconds)


Connect to Remote Server

Use the following command to connect to the remote host (GRIDCTRL ( and allow X commands to be sent to the X-server on the local system:

$ ssh -X oracle@

Verify that the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly:

$ echo $DISPLAY


Run the canonical program to check that X commands are being sent correctly:

$ xclock &