11 Correct GORDON Network Interface


Even though the network was set up as specified in Install Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.2, the host, GORDON was unreachable.

Once the network issue was fixed, I continued with the installation as described in 00 Setup.



Correct Configuration File

Updated /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to set ONBOOT=yes.

Continue Software Installation

Once the network issue was fixed, I continued with the installation as described in 00 Setup.

Instead of copying the files directly to GORDON, I used the procedure in Use NFS for Oracle Software. There was no need to extract the software.

Set Aside Disks for ASM

Because the disks are named differnently under OVM, the following commands were used to change ownership of the disks marked to be used by ASM:

sudo chown oracle:dba /dev/xvd[de]

Set Up UDEV Permissions

In order to permanently set up the correct permissions for the ASM devices, I need to set up UDEV (as root) using the procedure outlined in 7.5 Modifying Udev Rules:

cat >>/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules <<DONE KERNEL=="xvd[d-e]", ACTION=="add", OWNER:="oracle", GROUP:="dba", MODE:="0660" DONE

Install OEM Agent

I decommissioned the agent for the old version of GORDON and then pushed a new agent out to the current version of GORDON.