03 Deinstall EM12CR1 and Others


Because my Cloud Control is only used for testing purposes, there is no need to keep the data in the OMR. So, in order to install EM12CR3, I will have to de-install EM12CR1 first. I also took the chance to clean up the rest of the Oracle inventory, and ended up by cleaning up everything.


De-install OMS and OMA

Use the Graphical Mode

Go to the original directory from whence the software was installed:

cd /opt/oracle/software/em12

Run OUI in deinstallation mode:

./runInstaller -deinstall

The following screen appears:

Click Installed Products to go to the Inventory which then appears as:

Step #11: Remove OMS and Agent Plug-Ins

As per step #11 of Deinstalling in Graphical Mode in Oracle Support Document 1428956.1, the following items are selected:

Click Remove and the following confirmation screen appears:

Click Yes

The updated inventory screen reappears. Click Close to return to the first screen, and press Cancel to return to the command line.

Step #12: Remove sbin12c1 and webtier12c1 Homes

Repeat the above process to get the inventory where the following items are selected as per step #12 of Deinstalling in Graphical Mode in Oracle Support Document 1428956.1.

There is no need to go out and back in again. One has to be patient until all the items in the inventory list become enabled again. One can also watch the terminal output to see the products that are being de-installed.

Step #13: Remove agent12c1 and common12c1 Homes

The following items are selected as per step #13 of Deinstalling in Graphical Mode in Oracle Support Document 1428956.1.

However, I got the following error because I was too impatient earlier on:

Oracle Home "/opt/oracle/app/OracleHomes/agent12g/core/" is being deinstalled ..

The home /opt/oracle/app/OracleHomes/agent12g/core/ cannot be deinstalled. Please deinstall all referenced home(s) /opt/oracle/app/OracleHomes/agent12g/core/ before deinstalling selected home.

That error was corrected in two (2) steps.

Because of the next step, I have to exit the OUI.

Clean Up of Other Homes

I took this opportunity to clean up two (2) other homes:

Remove the old 10G Oracle Home

Since I had upgraded the OMR to 11.2, I can now remove the old home as follows:

/opt/oracle/app/OracleHomes/db10g/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstall

Remove the 10G Agent Home

Since I am intending to install OMA 12CR3 once I have finished deinstalling OMS 12CR1, I can remove the old agent home as follows:

/opt/oracle/software/Linux_Grid_Control_full_102010/runInstaller -deinstall

Step #14: De-install WebLogic

According to step #14 of Deinstalling in Graphical Mode in Oracle Support Document 1428956.1, I need to use the uninstaller for WebLogic. My reference is 3 Deinstalling Oracle Web Tier.

However, there is a problem as the WebTier home was de-installed as part of Step #12 above.

Step #15: Remove JDK Home

Back to running the de-installation of EM12CR1 as follows:

/opt/oracle/software/em12/runInstaller -deinstall

The following option is selected:

Step #16: Remove the oms12c1 home

The oms12g1 home is removed.

Remove Grid Home

Run the following command to remove Grid 11G:

/opt/oracle/ -deinstall

The log is attached as deinstall_grid_11G.log