More than/Less than

Here is an example of an activity:

The first images show the activity the less able children had. These were cut into strips and glued to the top of A3 paper. The children worked with the TA and drew arrays, used concrete resources and also drew on the clock face for some of them.

These images show what the rest of the class had. This was split into middle and higher ability. The more able children worked on the decimals whereas the middles had the other ones. Children rotated around the sheets with a partner and had to insert the correct symbol and prove it using concrete resources and drawings.

Some of the more interesting ideas the children had were discussed. Where necessary, mistakes were inspected and corrected as a whole class.

I had blank sheets as an extension for children to come up with their own. This shows the child's understanding as they were able to create a question in the same style as mine completely independently.

Children then had a sheet for their books so they could work independently and I could check their understanding. They could mark their own work against the answers.