Young Sensei, 8th Dan Shotokan

Sensei Young has enjoyed over 5 decades of karate with masters from around the world and many years of tournament competition. His tournament career spanned over 35 years and has won competitions in Hawaii, California, Colorado and Mexico. He enjoys sharing these experiences with his students.

Sensei Young began his Martial Arts training in Kodokan Judo in 1957. He had always had a yearning to learn Karate, and has had the good fortune of training under some very high ranking instructors of the famed Japan Karate Association (JKA). He studied under Sensei Kanazawa for 3 years of the JKA in his first stages of karate study and was awarded his black belt in 1967 by Sensei Tetsuhiko Asai and appointed Branch Instructor in 1970 to the dojo where he began his training. For a complete picture of his position in teh Shotkan karate lienage chart click here...

After relocating to California in 1981, he opened the doors to what is now the oldest dojo in Camarillo. He has since trained hundreds of students, both male and female, of all ages and professions. He retired from Civil Service as a Quality Assurance Inspector at the young age of 51 and now devotes his time solely to Karate and its teachings. In 1997 he began serving on belt test panels with the formation of the "Traditional Japanese Karate Network".  

The excellence of the students from Sensei Young continues to reflect his knowledge and teachings, not only in the dojo, but also in competition, sports and academics. In recent years he has also made a number of trips to Australia supporting dojo(s) in that country.

His personal interests are diverse but Hot Rods, Drag Racing, attending car shows, love for animals, Ballroom dancing and children rate high on the list.

In 2012 Sensei Young received the prestigious Platinum Life Achievement Award. He was inducted into the 2012 Master’s Hall of Fame.

Sensei Young Chronology 

1957 - Began Judo training in Pearl City, Hawaii (6 years)

1960 - Studied Shito Ryu Karate

1961 - Studied Shotokan under Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa  (JKA)

1964 - Studied Tang Soo Do w/ Republic of Korea Navy (red belt)

1964 - Re-entered Shotokan under Sensei Masataka Mori  (JKA)

1967 - Promoted to 1st Dan Black Belt by Sensei Tetsuhiko Asai (JKA)

1970 - Appointed as Branch Instructor to Pearl City Dojo  (Hawaii)

1974 - Promoted to 2nd Dan by Sensei H. Kanazawa  (JKA)

1975 - Member of Hawaii Team (Japan vs. Hawaii)

1976 - Member of Hawaii Team to West Coast

1979 - Certified Women's Self Defense Instructor (WSD Council)

1981 - Relocated to Calif. & started the Camarillo Dojo (affiliated w/ West Coast Shotokan Karate Ass'n.)

1981 - Promoted to 3rd Dan by Shihan E. Hamile (WCSKA)

1984 - Promoted to 4th Dan by Shihan E. Hamile

1989 - Promoted to 5th Dan by Shihan E. Hamile

1994 - Opened second dojo in Camarillo

1995 - Promoted to 6th Dan by Sensei T. Namiki (Japan Shotokan Karate Do Federation)

1997 - Retired from Civil Service and began full time teaching

1997 - began serving on belt test panels with the formation of the "Traditional Japanese Karate Network"

1998 - Awarded 6th Dan by Shihan E. Hamile

1999 - Appointed Director of Technical Development (World Fed. of Karate Do Organization - now defunct)

2007 - (April) Promoted to 7th Dan  by the West Coast Shotokan Karate Assoc.,Int'l. - Shihan Shalom Avitan, 8th Dan.

2009 - (August) Opened the third and current dojo

2012 - Awarded 8th Dan

2012 - Sensei Young received the prestigious was inducted into the 2012 Master’s Hall of Fame.

2014 - Sensei Young promoted long-time student, Sensei Shawn Danaher to Chief Instructor of Camarillo Shotokan. 

2014 - Moved to Arizona and became Chief INstructor od Ganbare Shotokan Karate of Prescott