Shito-ryu Karate Lineage Wiki Chart

founded by Mabuni Kenwa

Note: At present Google's charting function for organizational trees (family trees) is currently not function. We still have the spreadsheet data available for people to continue adding names/editing until Google fixes this problem.

To access the spreadsheet data to add names (please stay with rules so charts will work when re-vitaized) click below:

Shito-ryu lineage data...

Download a Hi-Res jpeg of the Shito-ryu lineage chart:

Based on the above WIKI chart we did a subset of primary lineages (ryu-ha [sub-styles within Shito-ryu e.g. Tani derived shito-ryu, Seito, Shitokai etc) and cross-training links (green links), for the The Traditional Japanese Karate Network. The resolution in this download was designed to print up to a 2m x 0.5m poster (79 inch x 20 inch) at Hi-Res (the purchasable non-copyright labelled image file is 1600 x 434 pixels & 1.1MB in size).

Note: Given the above lineage chart is publicly created through a WIKI collaborative tool, this website is not responsible for its accuracy. Although we hope the online community's integrity and research make it a useful resource. See also our Terms of Service & Use...