Boardman, Oregon

Current thoughts on Boardman (July 14, 2020)Blue = Improved US 30Yellow = Original Route 2Orange = Still not sure!!v.2020.07.14.007Google Earth Imagery Date: July 20, 2018


I am not sure how reliable any of my maps are when it comes to Boardman. It would be easy to say the whole highway was underwater here, but I think it does emerge. However, with the moving of Boardman, I am not sure how many of the roads are still in existence until one gets a bit east of town.

Oregon State Archives: A 1940 Journey Across Oregon

West of Boardman US 30 follows the river, a green band separating bleak and barren shores.


BOARDMAN, 19.8 m. [West of Hwy. 730 Junction] (250 alt., 100 pop.), lies in an area that holds the fossilized remains of many prehistoric animals. Specimens include part of a mastodon tooth, bones of fishes, of the three toed horse, of the rhinoceros, and bits of turtle shell.


On a slight knoll (R) at 19.7 m. [West of Hwy. 730 Junction] is a mounted specimen of Indian picture writing. The engraved boulder was found on the bank of the Columbia River a few miles east of its present location.

"During construction of the John Day Dam on the Columbia River in the 1960s, the city had to be moved south, further from the water. Lake Umatilla, behind the dam, covered much of the original city.[8]",_Oregon

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