Unconfirmed Gravel Fragment

Steve Hart, Upper Columbia River Highway Survey

Fragment?, Gravel?, Mile 123.0 (John Day River Bridge, Mile 120.7)

Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/groups/483015922488601/permalink/729225577867633/

July 11, 2020

This is not one that was on my radar, so I traced a path 2.3 miles out from the bridge, and below are the Google Earth images of what I found. I do not think this is a highway fragment, mostly because there is no clear path on either end... It's not running off the cliff or getting buried by the freeway.

Then again, this might not even be what Steve was looking at...

I am including it on the website until it can be ruled out, probably via aerial photos or detailed maps. I don't think visiting this spot is going to be high on anyone's task list!

Mystery Gradev.2020.07.11.007Google Earth Imagery Date: June 14, 2019
Gravel Fragment Location?v.2020.07.11.007Google Earth Imagery Date: June 14, 2019

CLICK HERE to continue exploring the highway