Scholarship Coverage

​Scholarship support for students who have been accepted with a scholarship  

Amount: 8,000 baht per student per month (for a maximum of 2 months) 

​1. Stipend 

Amount: 4,500 baht per month 

Please contact Ms. Chonticha at the International Affairs and Corporate Relations (IA&CR) division to receive the stipend upon your arrival. You are required to submit a copy of your passport to IA&CR in order to receive the stipend. 

​2. Accommodation

SIIT has two campuses. One is located on the Rangsit Campus of Thammasat University (main campus), and the other is on the Bangkadi campus, approximately 20 minutes away from Rangsit. The SIIT Bangkadi campus is situated in an industrial park. The SIIT International Residential Hall is located at the SIIT Bangkadi campus. 

·    Programs at Rangsit: CE, ChE, ME, and IE

·    Programs at Bangkadi: DE, EE, CPE, MT, and EM

During your internship period (not exceeding 2 months), SIIT will support the rental fee at the SIIT International Residential Hall*. However, you will be responsible for the electricity and water supply expenses (approximately 500 - 1000 baht each month), as well as a room deposit fee of 2,000 baht. The deposit fee must be paid at the financial division, SIIT Bangkadi campus, on your arrival day. If you arrive at the SIIT dormitory after 16:00 or on weekends, please make the deposit fee payment on the next working day (Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 16:00). The deposit fee, after deducting the electricity and water fee for the last month, will be refunded to you on your check-out date. Please note that only Thai Baht in cash will be accepted. 


         - SIIT International Residential Hall is located at SIIT Bangkadi campus. If you have to work or meet with a supervisor at Rangsit campus, please take a shuttle van from Bangkadi to Rangsit. SIIT provides shuttle van service between campuses. This service operates 6 days a week (Mon - Sat) during the regular semester (January – mid-June) and 5 days a week (Mon – Fri.) during the summer period (mid-June – July), 3-4 departure times/day.

         - Separate male and female accommodation, 38 m2 suite with 2 bedrooms, 1 living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom with water heater, air conditioners, telephone and furniture(beds and mattress, wardrobes, work desks, dining table, and TV shelf)

Type A = has a window

Type B = no window

   Room A and B share a bathroom and living area.

o   A with roommate = 2,250 baht per month 

o   B with roommate = 1,800 baht per month

o   A without roommate = 2,700 baht per month

o   B without roommate = 2,250 baht per month

         - Pillow, blanket, and bed sheet are not provided. Please bring them or you can buy cheap ones in Thailand (Pillow: 200 baht, Blanket: 200 baht, bed sheet: 300 baht).

​3. Insurance 

​Prior to departure, you should purchase health insurance or travel insurance to cover any medical expenses that may be incurred during your stay in Thailand. The insurance premium can be reimbursed for actual cost, but not over the budget you have been granted (after deduction of stipend and rental fee at SIIT International Residence Hall). You need to bring the “original receipt” to get the reimbursement. Please note that the copy one, invoice or other documents cannot be used for the reimbursement.