BrainPOP @ PS 48

It's Moby Time!

Read on for directions on creating your class(es) and setting up assignments. Find out how to become BrainPOP certified, and challenge your teaching and your students learning by going beyond watching the movies. BrainPOP will allow your students to demonstrate understanding and learning across the content using different features like Make-a-Movie, Creative Coding, Make-a-Map and so on.


  • Teachers can use "Log in with Google" to access your '' BrainPOP account. Don't have one or forgot access? Contact Mr. Czarka. He can create an account for you using your '' email address.

  • You can create classes and assignments. You can copy assignment links and post in Google Classroom.

  • Students log in with username and password; they DO NOT click "Log in with Google."

      1. Students need your Class Code. This is in your teacher dashboard.

      2. Student username is the SAME as for their NYC DOE accounts.

      3. Student passwords are defaulted to "[check your DOE email]" You can change these passwords from your teacher dashboard.

  • Need BrainPOP help? Follow the links in the Wanna Learn More? section below.

  • Remember, we have access to BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ELL, BrainPOP Español and BrainPOP français.

Create Classes with Codes

Here's how to create your own classes in BrainPOP with Class Codes:

  1. Log in to your individual teacher account. For now, use "Log in with Google" using your account. If you do not have this account, reach out to Mr. Czarka. He can create an account for you using your '' email address.

  2. Click Dashboard at the top of the screen.

  3. Click New Class.

  4. Create a class name. A Class Code will be automatically generated for you. Copy the class code.

  5. Click Create Class.

Students will use the Class Code to join the class. To join your class, students should:

  1. Click Enter Code at the top of the screen.

  2. Enter the Class Code and click Submit.

Here's what they will see.

Student Log In

Our students already have individual BrainPOP accounts.

  1. They should click Log In.

  2. Enter their personal username and password.

    • Remember, the student BrainPOP username is the same as their NYC DOE accounts (in most cases).

    • For example: student "Mock," has the NYC DOE email address "" so her NYC DOE and BrainPOP username is "mock1" and nothing else!

    • Forgot the default password? Check your DOE email from Mr. Czarka.

  3. Now students see your assignments in the student dashboard. The dashboard is the BrainPOP hub.

BrainPOP Student Log

Show What You Know!

Even if you don't watch a BrainPOP movie, you (and your students) can MAKE THEIR OWN movies! How can BrainPOP transform any topic your are studying in literacy, science, math or social studies? Even if the video is not relevant, activities like Creative Coding, Make-a-Movie and Make-a-Map can be used for students to demonstrate understanding. They can research information, search for relevant graphics, write in digital formats, make movies, speak in a clear voice, present information for an audience, and so on. Just use the Creative Coding, Make-a-Map or Make-a-Movie feature for any topic, and have students develop their project using content from your topic of study!

Here are some sample Make-a-Movie projects created by PS 48 students. Or take a look at the powerful Believe in YOU movies made by Fatima and Ashly. Amazing! Here are some more BrainPOP Make-a-Movie resources, including a sample rubric Mr. Czarka created and used as a checklist by students. Here are some Creative Coding resources to embed computer science and coding while learning content (ELA, math, science, social studies, art and so on!).

BrainPOP Suite Activities, Tips and Tricks

      • Assign movies, quizzes, and other activities like Make-A-Movie. You can differentiate for student needs or provide student choice to demonstrate their learning. All from your Teacher Dashboard!

      • Create and assign their own quizzes connected to a topic. Maybe you want to focus the questions on literacy test questions, not topic facts. Or mimic the language on the NYSESLAT. Or create open ended discussion prompts? Get inventive.

      • "You can make your own BrainPOP-style movies, building scenes with images from BrainPOP’s library, or creating your own drawings. Students can record narration, manipulate backgrounds, and add transitions between scenes. Make-a-Movie cultivates planning, organizing, writing, collaborating, and analyzing skills. Students take ownership of their learning as they engage with curricular content on a deeper level and demonstrate their comprehension of a BrainPOP topic."

      • TIP: You can do this for any topic, but you have to start it by using any BrainPOP topic.

      • Here are some sample Make-a-Movie projects created by PS 48 students.

      • Use mental mapping to help students "make connections using BrainPOP images, keywords, and movie clips with a concept map-making tool." Make-a-map allows students to organize ideas, show connections, demonstrate understanding, and so on, all in flexible ways.

      • BrainPOP ELL allows students to develop English language listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through interactive activities. There is a Placement Test even that helps you understand where a student is at and to measure their progress. There are "90 scaffolded lessons to build vocabulary and grammar skills for English learners at every level" that can be assigned or self paced. Learn more from the BrainPOP ELL Teacher page.

  • TIPS (updated as discovered during the teaching and learning cycle!)

  • Use BrainPOP and BrainPOP Español (or BrainPOP Français) to connect the same topic in two languages. Use two different tabs.Then set up assignments for your students to use both languages and find the connections.

  • Develop a BrainPOP ELL video to show how to navigate to level/unit

BrainPOP 101 Course for Educators

    • "If you wonder what else BrainPOP has to offer beyond movies, BrainPOP 101 is for you! Our interactive course provides a series of hands-on activities that invite you to play with BrainPOP features and tools–from Make-a-Movie and Challenges to Primary Sources, and more. Along the way, you’ll discover how best to leverage all of these rich, playful resources to support you and your students as they explore topics across the curriculum. So whether you are new to BrainPOP, need a refresher, or are curious about the latest tools and features, back-to-school is the perfect time to complete BrainPOP 101. BrainPOP 101 is available to all teachers with individual My BrainPOP accounts."

    • And, yes, you have an individual My BrainPOP account at PS 48. Let's set it up!

These tutorials feature tips on how to incorporate the different features of BrainPOP movies. The different activities move students from passively watching movies towards actively showing what they learn, in creative and engaging ways- all aligned to standards and research.

And here are some tips, plus students exemplars, rubric and reflection sheet for using the Make-a-Movie feature within BrainPOP. You can have students use the Make-a-Movie feature about any topic, not just the BrainPOP videos!

Wanna Learn More?

These directions were adapted from the BrainPOP Educators website, which has tons of useful ideas for using BrainPOP. Here's everything you need to know about your BrainPOP Teacher Dashboard, including creating and managing classes, students, and assignments, plus PD like BrainPOP 101 (one-hour intro where you learn all the tools and games).