Believe in You

Have no are awesome, just the way you are. Your life will give you ups and downs- caused by yourself and others. Embrace that and become the best person you can be, everyday. Learn to find out what that means for yourself, everyday. Lift up your chin when you feel down. Lean on other people. Trust yourself. Make the impossible possible.

Grow. Learn. Become YOU. Everyday.

And if you need some music to inspire you, scroll along.

~Mr. Czarka .

*Got a song or movie or website that motivates you to be your best? Share it and we will post it here for others to be inspired by!

Sometimes it can be hard to understand why you feel the way you do on the inside. That's your emotions for you! Watch Inside Out and see some of your emotions come to live in the main character, Riley! Next time you feel a certain way, think about the movie!

You can also learn more about the characters at the Disney website for Inside Out.

Be You! Watch how your friends deal with problems with other people.

What message can you share with others? Make a movie to share your experiences.

More Music to Motivate

These were songs that students listened to in Spring 2020 during the COVID pandemic to stay motivated to learn English even if they were not in school with their friends. They came together online to learn and be friends. Be inspired! You can also listen to all of these songs on the Music to Motivate Youtube Playlist.