Always Learning

Always Learning- whether or not you are in school, there is something to learn.  Read on to find different ways to keep learning, even if you are not in the school building!  Be creative!  Be curious!  And don't forget to be...Always Learning!  :) ~Mr. Czarka   

To get help, send me a message in Google Classroom or Remind (ask your parent!).  Email me at .  You can also contact your classroom teacher! :)


Siempre aprendiendo- si estás o no estás en la escuela, hay algo para aprender. ¡Sigue leyendo para encontrar diferentes maneras de seguir aprendiendo, incluso si no estás en el edificio de la escuela! ¡Ser creativo! ¡Ser curioso! Y no olvides estar ... ¡Siempre aprendiendo! :) ~ Mr. Czarka   AVISO: Haga clic para cambiar este sitio web al español.

Para obtener ayuda, envíame un mensaje en Google Classroom o Remind (¡pregúntale a tus padres!).  Manda un email a .   ¡También puedes contactar a tu maestro de clase! :)

EVERY DAY you should...

Dial-a-Teacher can help you with your school work if you need help also!  

Remember to log in with your username (without the

These video tutorials will help you use BrainPOP.

Teacher Username: something like "jczarka" but depends on your teacher!

45 minutes everyday!!! :)

Write! Write! Write!

Use your journal.  Write at least 2 stories every day full of details.

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Listen to music in English!  Sing the lyrics (words) aloud to yourself!!!

Read! Read! Read!

Remember- you should read for at least 45 minutes EVERYDAY!!!!  Then write about the book you read.  Go to the library.  Use Raz Kids.  Use Sora!  Use this video tutorial to log into Sora.

Watch TV in English!

Learn LOTS of New English Words!


Collect New Words You Learn!

My Bilingual Vocabulary Journal SP_NO.pdf

Use the log in your classroom teacher gives you.  If you don't get one, then your teacher is not using this resource.  Try other ones! :)

Use the log in your classroom teacher gives you. 

Use your log in to gain access to lots of fun new books, including comic books like Amulet!  Remember to "borrow" or "place hold" to get a book when others finish reading it.  Watch this video tutorial to learn how to log into Sora.

Continue doing your reading and math activities.  How many can you do today?  Tomorrow?  

Click the link to read, listen, write, and record your voice using Myon.  For school type drake and click on P.S. 048.  That's our school!  Use your login paper for your username and password.  Ask Mr. Czarka if you lost it.

Math and Science

Create your own computer science project.  Make a game!  Tell a story!  Code something cool!

Don't forget to log into your account to save your projects!  What will you create? 

Want some ideas?  Check out the PS 48 student computer scientist ideas.

Use can even use Google's CS First videos to create cool coding projects to make digital art, tell a story, make a mystery, and so on.

Be curious!  Watch (observe) nature out your window.  Write down what you are wondering!  Use a journal!  This is science.

Be an inventor!  Design something new.  Design it on paper or build it using materials in your home.  What will you create?  What will it do?  

Play different math games!  Learn something new.  Practice something you don't understand.

Play different math games!  Learn something new.  Practice something you don't understand.

Play Kahoot! to learn about different topics, including math, science, and even things like cartoons!  :)

With Khan Academy you can learn about different topics.  What are you learning in school?  Watch a video and practice with Khan Academy!  In Spanish too!

Learning Math on Your Own 

What new things will you learn in reading? Math?  Then go write about it in your Always Learning journal!

Even More...

Explore Reality River to train so you Don't Fall for Fake, visit Mindful Mountain and Share with Care, enter the Kind Kingdom where It's Cool to be Kind, or scale the Tower of Treasure to Secure Your Treasures. Explora Interland en español.

Keep moving!  Have fun dancing and jumping and laughing!  No one is watching.  Get crazy!  :)

Visit Toy Theater to play all kinds of games, from math to art to reading.  What will you play?  What will you learn?

More Places to Go to Learn More

Have more ideas?  Let me (Mr. Czarka) know! 

I will add your idea to this Always Learning page!

Learn with your family about how to use a tablet, apps, and different social studies, science, math, art, music,  English and other topics at home- together!   Ideas para aprendiendo en casa en español

Continue doing your reading and math activities.  How many can you do today?  Tomorrow?