Light, Shadows, and Solar Patterns

All about a cool property of the universe!

Sebastian and Yariel explore different 'blocking objects.'

Gilbert and Guijermo collaborate to 'test' different shadows!

Observing Light and Shadows

Let's use our observation skills as scientists. Yes, you are a scientist! Look carefully. Think about what you see happening with the light and shadows in the videos.

  • Where is the light coming from? How do you know?
  • What season of the year do you think it is? What evidence are you using, scientist?

Then we will investigate where light comes from. We will also investigate what happens if we put different objects in the path of light!

Let's draw and write as scientists and engineers!

1. Draw what you learned about how to make shadows on surfaces.

2.Write what you learned about how to make shadows on surfaces.


We explored refraction of light. We created a movie to share with you. Enjoy learning with us! Oh yeah- refraction means the bending of light when it passes through another material or substance.


Watch and learn some information about light and colors. Then get excited to investigate the properties of light and colors. Finally share what you learn with others!

Lux Aeterna

"A journey of Light, form distant galaxies to small drops of water." Great visuals to explore light with!

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