Computer Science (CS)

Most of the apps and games you enjoy playing are developed by computer programmers (a person who 'write' the directions for computers to function). You can learn to do this as well. It's a very creative activity since it makes you think, design, learn a 'language,' and develop games and other stuff. Follow the links below to being exploring on your own. Ask Mr. Czarka for more help! Be creative, get coding!  Always make sure you are being a Digital Citizen!

Example of some code Mr. Czarka has written.  Source:

Log into Sora with your NYC Student Account to read fun books about Computer Science Education and Artificial Intelligence.  Get creative!  Learn new ideas!  Learn history!  Learn the future!

Use loops to repeat your code to make it look like Sprites (characters) are in motion.  

Remember to debug your code.  Use wait blocks!  :)

Dash is a robot.  He has many things to do.  But he needs your help!  Explore computer programming to control using robots like Dash.  You will use different code blocks to create directions, or an algorithm, to help Dash!  So cool!  

Student and teacher computer scientists explore algorithms (directions), sequencing (first step, second step...), loops (repeating), and conditionals (if, then) as part of the PS 48 CS Ed Week.

Check out the different hop scotch algorithms created. Also view the 'computers' that followed the 'inputs' from Liam E, the programmer, to create cats drawing 'outputs.'  See students exploring Scratch.  Thank you, PS 48 teachers for bringing CS to your classes.  You are inspiring your students to become creators; not consumers!

Student computer scientists used different coding skills like sequences to program a message about personal heroes in their lives! Check out the projects!  Share the projects!  Then Code a Hero yourself!

Learn more coding with Scratch tutorial, including a project all about yourself.  Plus, keep scrolling down for other fun projects using sequences and loops to make a program.

View the super coding skills at PS 48.  Students used different coding skills to Animate a Name.  Any name!  Check them out.  Then try it out yourself!

PS 48 students and computer scientists create animated stories using coding.  They used sequencing, loops, math (time and patterns), and storytelling.  Now, go enjoy the storytelling!

A BIG "Thank you!!!" to generous donors through DonorsChoose for supporting our hardware and software learning. We have some serious careers ahead of us!  We use online resources, Kano Computer Kits, and Micro:bits.

Help the rabbit eat the carrot. Use code "blocks" to give directions (code) to the rabbit. Learn about "loops" (repeated direction, like a pattern), and other "commands" or directions you code for the rabbit! Click the picture to begin coding!  Ask Mr. Czarka for your Google CS Username and Password if you lost it!

You are becoming a computer hardware and software expert. You will develop a non-fiction writing piece based on the expert knowledge you gain. You will use this piece to develop a web tutorial that shows others (your audience): a) how to create a computer (hardware); and b) how to code directions for the computer (software). You may ask, how will you be rated? Good question! Always remember the final goal: to teach, or help, others build computer hardware and software. If your project does, then you are successful! 

Watch Mr. Czarka's multiplication story.  He used Creative Coding in BrainPOP to tell the story.  Here is more on Creative Coding.  This link is information for teachers but you can use this too!  Focus on how you use the "wait" blocks to make the words that your character "says" make sense.  Also, brainstorm and plan your story ahead of time.  

Websites to Learn to Code

These website (and some have apps for phones and tablets) will teach you how to code! Then invent your own app. What will it be: music? art? a game? help you cook? Get creative. It's in you!  

Minecraft Education!      Code Studio     CS First with Google     Hour of Code and Beyond an Hour of Code     Kano World     Lightbot     Scratch      Tynker  

Buy Your Own Computing Materials (Hardware)

Did you get some money for your birthday? Or for inventing your own app? :) Here are some really cool kits to use with the code you learn to write. Some are cheap. Some are expensive. Either way: get creating! Some of these we may even use in class! :)

Dash and Dot     Kano Computer Kit (make sure you have a computer monitor)     littleBits     Makey Makey     Micro:Bits

Write Your Name in Binary Code

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100001

Do you know what those "1s" and "0s" say? Hint: it represents letters of the alphabet! Analyze the code. Do you notice anything, like patterns, or arrangement? What really are you looking at?

What is binary code? Science Friday teaches us that "binary code is the way that most computers and computerized devices ultimately send, receive, and store information." Visit the site to find out the answer, and then create your binary code project!

Use Scratch to Code the Google Logo!

Mr. Czarka wrote the code for this using Scratch. So can you! I bet you can get even more creative, too! Want some inspiration? Check out these students' cool projects!

Join the Club! Learn to Type Quickly...without Looking at the Letters!

TypingClub will teach you how to type quickly with fun activities and games. All for Free!

Explore Reality River to train so you Don't Fall for Fake, visit Mindful Mountain and Share with Care, enter the Kind Kingdom where It's Cool to be Kind, or scale the Tower of Treasure to Secure Your TreasuresExplora Interland en español.