SBxSGOC Garden Supporters

Thank you for all you do! Ensuring that every student can be a farmer!

Learn about the groups helping our students garden and grow. Check out some of the cool events over the years hosted in the garden, too!

Would you like to support the garden? Express your interest in helping student gardeners grow by filling out the PS 48 School Garden Interest Form.

We seek garden equipment, planting materials (seeds, soil, compost, seedlings), and expertise. You can also directly contact Mr. Justin Czarka at mrczarka (at) gmail (dot) com or (718) 589-4312. 

Help us achieve our goal of ensuring every student is an urban farmer. Because every child should know how to grow food!  You may also adopt our outdoor classroom by visiting  Want more thanks?  Check 'em out! or follow the Garden News.

Garden Supporters

American Community Gardening Association: Technical support and ideas.

Anonymous: Monetary support

Birds Nest Foundation: has provided indoor gardening equipment, including a large accessible planter box for growing vegetables all year long.

Bonnie Plants Cabbage Program: Bonnie Plants donated cabbage plants to the school garden for students to grow.  Small seedlings were grown indoors in classrooms, and then transplanted outdoors by student gardeners.  See photos of the PS 48 Bonnie Cabbage Program progress here.

The City Gardens Club of New York City: Grant monies to build out the garden space and science Nature Kits for our students

City Year: Bulbs and seeds, planters, volunteering

Cornell University Cooperative Extension: Bulbs and technical support

Donors Choose: Soil, planters, garden equipment, plants, gloves, and tools

Eva's Kids and Eva Sanjurjo: Plants and moral support

Ms. Diana Figueroa: Garden equipment

Fungi Foundation: Teacher professional development, indoor mushroom grow kit

Grow to Learn NYC: Technical and monetary support, plant starts, benches, soil, mulch

The Home Depot in The Bronx, Bruckner Boulevard: Soil and mulch

Hudson Valley Seed Company: Seed donation to support vegetable, herb, and flower garden spaces

IS 254 Garden Club: Garden equipment (hose and reel), materials (compost), and tools (shovel)

Korein Family Foundation: Planters and germination kit

Lowe's Toolbox for Learning: Monetary support

Ms. Muzik: lots of plants!!!

Ms. O'Neill: Bulbs and American flags

New York Restoration Project (NYRP): Technical support and planning ideas

New Yorkers for Parks: Over 2000 daffodil bulbs in 2012 and 2013, technical and volunteer support

NYC Arbor Day Committee: Tree donation; multiple years

NYC Department of Sanitation: Bagged compost pallet delivery

NYC Parks Green Thumb: Soil, plant starts, mulch, compost, lumber, and technical support

One Drop Foundation: Rain Barrel for collecting water

Police Athletic League: Seeds and volunteers

Santiago Family, including Phoebe, Aaron, Franciso, and Vivian: Strawberry and tomato, as well as planter boxes

Seed Savers Exchange: Seed donation including heirloom, open-pollinated seeds that promote biodiversity

Trees New York: Student programming around environmental literacy, advocacy, and stewardship in urban environments, plus trees and bushes donation

The Wachovia Well Fargo Foundation: Monetary support

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