Adult Education Classes

High School Equivalency (GED) and English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes

Please fill out the PS 48 Adult GED and ESL Class Interest form if you are interested in attending Adult ESL classes at PS 48!

For more information, call the school to speak with Ms. Melanie or Ms. Alexandrea at (718) 589-4312 to find out if Adult ESL classes have started.

Take different types of classes, including English as a Second Language, basic education, high school equivalency, career and technology, and adjusting to a new culture and language (help with housing, legal, medical, and employment. Check out the flyer below!


"CookShop for Families is a complementary program for parents and guardians in schools that participate in CookShop Classroom, with the goal of engaging whole families in making healthy choices. Participants complete workshops focusing on such topics as reading food labels, meal planning, portion sizes and physical activity. Through simple, healthy recipes using fresh, affordable ingredients, participants gain skills and knowledge to make CookShop part of their families’ daily lives." Click here to see if this school year's workshops have started!

"The New York Public Library helps adult students improve their communication skills in English. We offer two types of English classes, available at more than 40 libraries in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island.

These are series-based classes, held year-round in 10-week cycles. Most classes meet two days each week, for two hours each day. Select classes meet on Saturday mornings for four hours. Classes are for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level students. Students must attend an information session to register for classes, and registration is required in order to attend these classes.

  1. ESOL Classes: for non-native speakers to improve listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  2. Adult Basic Education Classes: for students who already speak English but want to improve their reading and writing.

  3. English for Work Classes: for Intermediate and Advanced speakers looking for work or already employed and want a better job. Please note: Documentation Required. (Must provide Social Security Card or Work Visa)"

Attend an upcoming Information Session! For more information, call 718-617-0338, email, or visit the local Hunts Point NYPL branch library using these directions.

NYPL ESOL Classes.pdf