
Leaving Base

When a soldier is ready to head out and deploy into battle, they have two main ways of leaving base. They may either get a ride from a Technician or walk into battle. Technicians, as explained before, can use a variety of ground/air vehicles. Although players are not allowed to drive them if they’re not a Technician, players may get in the back seats and ask them to take them into a certain area of the map. If players decide to walk, the Resistance base has different exits that lead to different parts of the map. It is recommended for new players to follow others into battle and, if possible, join a squad. While in a squad, you may spawn on objectives that are under our control if you're a Squad Leader or you can spawn on your Squad Leader (SL) if you're a regular member; alternatively you may be able to spawn on points if the server has 40 or less players online. Some scenarios may restrict you from doing this, such as enemy presence or active combat.


Squads are a key factor when deploying and will make a huge difference on the battlefield. Join friendlies from the same Division as you to more easily overpower the enemy. As an example, Heavies can benefit from deploying in squads with other Heavies by coordinating simultaneous RPG hits on enemy vehicles, taking them out by surprise. Snipers also benefit greatly from squad play, since taking out key targets becomes far more consistent with other Snipers’ help. In short, deploy in squads, it makes things a lot easier!

To setup a squad, use the chat command !squad. Once you have the squad menu open, you can join or start a new squad. If you don't want to go through the hassle of opening the menu and joining/setting up a squad, you can also just use the chat command !autosquad to be put automatically in a public squad.

Regular deployment

Once a player is on the field, their main objective should be to capture and hold as many capture points as they can. Capture points will marked on your map (press M) and it will show who has control over it. Having more capture points under our control is beneficial for many reasons. Not only do we get more resources by capturing points, but we may also respawn in certain capture points if they are lit up green on the map (must be fully captured and connected to the HQ). Being inside a capture point also awards you with bonus EXP for any kills that you get while defending it. There is usually a more contested battlefront, which requires constant reinforcements, so flanking that area may prove useful. Enemy RANGERS and CROSS (combine units with sniper rifles) may be watching certain areas to stop flank attempts and reinforcements, so it’s important that players communicate via Team Chat and report enemy locations when discovered. Events are also common and these will have different and unique objectives defined by a Gamemaster (GM). Rewards are usually given at the end of the Event to the victor. Capture points are also tied to the reserves system and map rotations, though this is covered more extensively in the Map section.

Active Reserves

Active Reserves (Also known as Call to Arms) are rebel troops who've volunteered to be part of the Resistance's emergency response unit. They are dispatched mainly to rebel cells who are in dire need of manpower. A special discord role will be pinged every time the rebel count is falling dangerously short. People with the role will gain access to a Call to Arms channel (where the pings happen) and ⁠Logs channel, in which Active Reserve members submit their playtime for credit rewards. Rebels ranked Warrant Officer+ have the ability to request Active Reserve support. The choice of whether to call the Active Reserve or not falls onto the highest ranking rebel that is Warrant Officer+. Playtime rewards are given at the end of every week. Leadership will keep track of all of the due credit rewards in a spreadsheet.  Active Reserve members are highly encouraged to communicate in the Main Resistance Discord's VCs while deploying. Consistent VC activity will be rewarded handsomely by Leadership. Similarly, staying on the server even beyond the credit time (while in VC) will also carry a very nice reward ALONG with whatever you've earned from the playtime-to-credit reward (doesn't have to be credits ). To sign up for the Active Reserve, simply request the CTA Ping role in ⁠the Main Resistance Discord's role-request channel. 

Resource Nodes

The new resource system features three types of resource nodes that spawn on points throughout the map dependent on the average level of player activity on that point. Harvesting these resources, which can come in the form of wood, stone, or metal, (depicted on the right) rewards you with an exp and credit bonus and provides the faction with 200, 300, and 400 resources respectively. This heavily incentivizes a playstyle of spreading out as much as possible, even to points that see minimal engagement. 

Resources are valuable both for spawning vehicles/aircraft that can assist us push back the enemy and for actually spawning in the field. If our resources level hits 0, we are limited to respawning at HQ, a major disadvantage. 

It should generally be one of the recons' top priorities to scavenge for these resources, as their fast movement allows them to traverse the map effectively. 

Command resources

Command resources spawn on every point on the map. Depending on who owns the point it spawns on, it may start out as a combine or rebel command resource. Walking up to a command resource and successfully delivering it to the rebel terminals in the base rewards you and your faction with credits, XP, and, obviously, resources. 

Stealing a combine resource and successfully delivering it results in a bigger reward. 

Much like with resource nodes, the recon are also most effective in delivering these command resources, as their quick maneuverability can deliver multiple CRs in quick succession. 

Unlike resource nodes, however, these CRs do not spawn with any preference to point activity. They spawn everywhere and are each equal. 

Logistics Crates

Much like command resources, logistics crates spawn on every point on the map, with their starting allegiance being combine or rebel, depending on the point's ownership. 

These logistics crates operate very differently from command resources, however. The objective here is to shoot and destroy all accessible combine logistics crates, shown in the blue, which will reward you and your team with credits and XP, and protect the rebel logistics crates, shown in the red. If you are able to protect the rebel logistics crates by the time the objective ends, you and the faction are rewarded in credits, XP, and resources for every logistics crate preserved. 

For this objective, no one class is realistically the most effective. The most effective plan here is to work together in groups to destroy the combine crates and protect your own. 

Combine base borders

The Combine Base (HQ) is a heavily fortified military area where our enemy spawns. Under normal circumstances, Resistance members must not enter the Combine Base nor the Combine borders or shoot people inside these areas. You may find these areas marked on the map. If you find yourself inside one of these areas by mistake, simply go back and apologize if you have caused any problems. The Combine Base will have text-screens warning Resistance Members to leave the area immediately. If you do it for malicious intentions, you will be punished. You may also be banned from the server if done multiple times. 

However, if allowed by Staff members and high-ranking officers, a base raid may be done, the procedures of which are explained in this manual's base raid section.