
Campaign Introduction

"Since resources have become a valued commodity since both sides in Sector 61 have been forced to have their on field forces collect them, sides are vying for areas of strategic importance. Plans for major “Logistics Centres” on both sides have been put into motion. Entire regions where the fighting has moved on from are being put into a position of constant resource harvesting for units stationed there and sides are fighting over ground to harvest more. If one side could destroy the other's logistics centre, it would be a large step forward in the constant conflict."     - Campaign Overview

[Campaign hosted and managed by Head Gamemaster Niko]

The "Parabellum" Campaign was a collection of missions, commenced on April 30th 2022 and completed on October 1st 2022, focusing on the capture and defense of Regions. 

Operations tend to occur on a weekly basis, and consist of fighting for control of Regions, with the ultimate goal of taking over the Combine's HQ. There are 4 maps in which this campaign takes place (Stalker, City-13, Mainstreet and Pripyat) and 2 types of Regions:

The official rules pertaining to the Campaign can be found here and on the Resistance Discord's Event Announcement channel.

Attrition region bonuses

- Vehicle deployment cooldown removed;

- Able to deploy an additional APC, which does not count to the 1 vehicle limit.

- 2 Minute head start on deployments before the event timer officially starts.

Faction bonuses

- COs may deploy 1 squad of Combine Soldiers on the first 4 points of their lattice connection;

- COs may deploy 2 squads of Combine Soldiers on any single points, both squads having only 2 uses which share a 3 minute cooldown.

- COs may see the planned location of the enemy Generator;

- COs may chose to prevent the placement of a planned Generator once.

Old Region bonuses [Kept for recordkeeping]

  - Razor Trains - Owning team may set up an Exclusion Zone, setting apart a small area of the map with fortifications and allied NPCs.

  - Dockyard - Owning team is provided with 2 stationary APC Turret "emplacements".

  - CWU Factories - Owning team receives an auxiliary generator, placed in a point outside friendly base, which also provides main generators a 15 minute damage immunity.

  -  Broadcast Station - Owning team is capable of performing periodic headcrab shellings on the highest concentration of enemies.

1st Logistics Center Op.

  - Scavange the city for loose crates of resources and supplies (see picture 2)

  - Return any found crates to friendly Logistics Center, located in Point H (see picture 1)

  - Assault enemy Logistics Center to capture Combine supplies

  - Rebels stake claim of Stalker [HQ] and City-13

1st Defense of City-13

  - Protect 2 generators located on Rebel HQ (right generator)

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 2 generators (left generator)

  - Rebels successfully defend City-13 (1/1)

  - Planned counter-attack of Mainstreet (Combine-held AR)

1st Mainstreet Offensive

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 2 generators

  - Protect 2 generators located on Rebel HQ

  - Rebels successfully capture Mainstreet. (1/0)

  - Planned attack of Pripyat (Combine-held HQ)

1st PRIPYAT HQ Offensive

  - Destroy the Dark Energy Generator by overload 2 substations on nearby points

  - Destroy some sort of weapon. Methods for doing so are as of yet unknown

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 3 generators

  - Dark Energy Generator overloaded and destroyed

  - Dark Matter Suppression Device and HQ Generators defended by Combine

  - Planned Combine counter-attack of City-13 or Mainstreet (Rebel-held ARs)

2nd defense of city-13

  - Protect 2 generators located on Rebel HQ

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 2 generators

  - Rebels fail to defend City-13. Region under Combine control (3/0)

  - Planned attempt to retake City-13

1st city-13 OFFENSIVE

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 2 generators

  - Protect 2 generators located on Rebel HQ

  - Rebels successfully capture City-13 (2/1)

  - Planned attack of Pripyat (Combine-held HQ)

2nd Pripyat HQ OFFENSIVE

  - Destroy the Dark Matter Suppression Device

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 3 generators

  - Dark Matter Suppression Device disabled during Overtime

  - HQ Generators defended by Combine

  - Planned Combine counter-attack of City-13 or Mainstreet (Rebel-held ARs)

3rd defense of city-13

  - Protect 3 generators located on Rebel HQ

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 2 generators

  - Rebels fail to defend City-13. Region under Combine control.

  - Planned attempt to retake City-13

2nd city-13 OFFENSIVE

  - Protect 3 generators located on Rebel HQ

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 2 generators

  - Rebels successfully capture City-13

  - Planned attack of Pripyat (Combine-held HQ)

3rd Pripyat HQ OFFENSIVE

  - Assault Combine HQ and destroy 1 generator

  - Combine Generator destroyed;

  - Parabellum Campaign finished with a Resistance Victory.