
Know your enemy

The Resistance's main enemy is the Combine. Combine soldiers (Overwatch) can be easily identified by their armor and gas masks. Synth soldiers can also be easily distinguished from regular soldiers due to their alien-like look. On the field, all Resistance members must shoot Combine soldiers on sight (unless certain scenarios are in play). Rogue Units look like Combine soldiers but they are friendly Resistance members, so players must get accustomed to their unique look.

Watch out for Civilians

While on the field, Resistance members may come across civilians, who are usually unarmed and harmless. However, some civilians can carry firearms and may cause problems to the Resistance. These civilians are called Anarchists. Players cannot shoot Anarchists on sight unless they pull out a weapon. Regardless, Resistance members should warn all civilians on the field to leave the deployment area to avoid getting shot/killed by mistake. If they refuse to leave, they may have bad attentions, so use lethal force if they don't listen to you (check server rules for more information). Besides Anarchists, civilians may also be aligned with the CWU, a Combine-friendly faction. Once again, Resistance members may not shoot these civilians unless they are deliberately assisting the enemy (check server rules for more information).

Captured Enemies/Allies

If you decide to join the Military Police, you are able to capture enemy units and bring them back to base for questioning. Even if you don’t join this division, it’s important to understand how the cuffing system works and how to behave when you see a captured enemy. While handcuffed, players will have their weapons and movement restricted. The captor is then able to pull them and take them anywhere they want. A captured player will have their hands in front of them with a rope restraining them and pulling them.

Resistance members must check before shooting someone who is restrained. If it’s an enemy unit being captured by a member of the Military Police, Resistance members must not kill nor harm the captured unit. Assisting the Military Police in escorting the captive to base is highly recommended, as long as players do not cause problems. Friendly units may also be handcuffed by the Military Police (usually within good reason), so players must not interfere or they will get in trouble.

If the captured unit is a friendly Resistance soldier and the captor is an enemy, all Resistance members are allowed to kill the captive to guarantee that the prisoner won’t be alive to leak any Resistance secrets. Shooting the enemy captor, usually an NPU, is also possible, but much harder to accomplish, since captured units lose all their Armor and most of their Health when handcuffed (making them easier to kill).

Being Captured

Being captured by the NPU can happen and there are some things players need to know. Firstly, if they remove your comms through RP (using /me), players may not use chat anymore to communicate with their teammates. They may also remove your weapons through this process. If NPU aren't quick enough to strip your team chat request help through team chat. This will alert current spectre units online and they will be there to free you soon enough if everything goes right. They are the only rebel unit that can save you once you are inside the Combine base.


NPU OPERATOR 03 9999 strips you from your comms and weapons.

Players may be released by either getting killed by a teammate or by getting uncuffed after a player kills the NPU, however the first method is faster and much more reliable. During RP scenarios, which aren’t exclusive to getting captured, you may need to roll for an action. The command is /roll and it will give you a number between 1 and 100. Here’s an example of how the rolling system works:


You have been captured by the NPU and they bring you to the Combine base. They take you to a prison cell and ask for your name. You decide to lie, so you give them a fake name. To check if you’re lying, he decides to roll and gets a value of 38. You roll as well and you get 52. Since you got a higher roll than the NPU, he is forced to believe your lies.

The Combine may decide to turn their captives into Stalkers, becoming mindless servants. Once a player goes through this transformation, they are forced to follow the Combine’s orders. This may only last up to 10 minutes. Besides stalkerization, the Combine may just want to keep you in custody, which has a maximum imprisonment time of 10 minutes (starting as soon as the captured player is taken into their captor's base).

NPU/MP may brainwash the opposite side in order to have them fight for that side for 1 life. Combine units with an orange color should not be shot, while Rebels with a blue color should be shot on sight.

Friendly Fire

Resistance members are able to kill each other while they're inside the Resistance Base. This is for Tryout purposes only. Any player caught team-killing will be arrested by the Military Police and logged for misconduct. Multiple cases of team-killing may cause the staff team to intervene and possibly ban the player in question.

Outside of Base, friendly fire is still active, meaning shooting friendlies will hurt them. Being in a Squad removes friendly fire for Squad members. Friendly units' shields can still be damaged however, so make sure to check your fire regardless. If a friendly soldier is captured, you may shoot them down to stop their capture. Make sure to inform the SUs if you fail to kill the captive.