Base Raids

Given the new scarcity of resources as per the harvesting system, directly raiding the enemy base for resources has become a far more meaningful tactic to change the course of the battle. 


Before a base raid is announced by a 2LT+, he will likely gage the public willingness to go through with such a bold mission. 

If the masses generally agree to one, the CO will call a debrief to gather everyone back to base. Noone is excused from this debrief except recons and SUs that may be scouting or infiltrating, respectively, to provide extra useful information for the raid. 

When everyone's gathered, the CO will call staff to determine a valid objective for the raid. This obviously depends on the map, and two primary factors to consider when choosing should be how easy the objective is to enter and the defensibility of it. 

Provided the combine are not hosting tryouts or are not debriefing, the objective is usually quickly cleared to go. After agreeing on a plan of entry (and potentially defense), everyone at the DB mobilizes. Transport by APC or KA-29 is almost always the most reliable means of entry. Vehicles/aircraft with offensive capabilities are not allowed to be deployed during the raid, and neither are special operation units (LA, Jugg). This applies to both sides in the raid. 

Successfully holding the objective for the staff assigned amount of time results in a base raid victory. Breaking the rules, failing to enter, or failing to hold the objective for the full time results in a loss. 

That being said, losing an offensive base raid is of no cost to us. Winning an offensive base raid, on the other hand, results in us stealing 5,000 resources from them. Additionally, base raids may also provide information regarding Combine divisions, which will be added to the respective Combine section.
