
Introduction to Debriefs

Debriefs are meetings organized by COs to discuss the situation on the field. It's the perfect opportunity to group everyone up and to plan the upcoming deployments. Once in a while, a CO or a WO will call for a Debrief, either using an advert, in Team Chat or the Orders Command (which will show up in red text on the screen). Players will usually see something like this in chat:


As soon as a player sees this announcement from a CO, they must return to base and head to the Debrief area. Each map has its own debrief area, so players must get accustomed to them. RTB is short for "Return to Base" and DB means debrief. The maximum time given to gather at the DB area is 5 minutes, with those who skip debriefs will be reprimanded/punished.

Besides Debriefs, following a map change, there's a 20 minute grace period in which people are not allowed to deploy, even if there is map-switch DB ends before the 20 minutes are up; In this case, the hosting officer will set up fun activities for attendees to kill the time. Post-switch debriefs will typically be held, and only Spectre Units are allowed to skip it, however capturing points is still strictly forbidden until the grace period ends.

The 20 minute grace period is voided only if there is no COs on capable of hosting a debrief. People are allowed to deploy freely, until a CO joins the server and hosts a map-switch DB.

Debrief Rules

Once players arrive to the Debrief area, they must line up in one of the lines, or, if they’re a CO, they must go up on the platform. During debriefs, players must keep their weapons holstered and keep quiet. If anyone has anything to say during a Debrief, they must type “PTS” in chat and wait for a CO to give them permission to speak. PTS is short for "Permission-to-speak". When a CO announces that “PTS is active”, you must follow this procedure as well. Rebel Debriefs cannot be done in quick succession, as they have a cooldown of 2 hours.

Those constantly disregarding Debrief rules may end up being arrested by Military Police, and reported to their respective COs.

Debrief Procedures

Debriefs go through the following topics in the listed order: Battle Reports, Demotions, Battle Plans and Promotions

Once the squad leaders are done filling up their parties, the hosting CO then hands out general/broad objectives, such as ordering squad A to protect the backpoints to prevent backcaps, while squads B & C push and capture enemy points. The squad leaders are tasked with ensuring that their party members are following their assigned objectives, as well as giving out more specific orders to achieve their broader objectives (for example, squad B is tasked with pushing enemy points, so their squad leader leads a flank through Combine backpoints to cut respawns before attacking the designated point).