
Planetary/sectoral commander


Division: Overlook

Leader: Planetary Commander Blims

Description: Sitting at the top of the Combine hierarchy, the Planetary and Sectoral Commanders are responsible for every major decision conducted within the faction, as well as coordinating both Overlook (PC + SeC + AIU) and High Command (DvLs).

The Planetary Commander is the highest rank achievable within the Combine, possessing nearly unrestricted control within the Combine military and thus final say on all Overlook matters. This position comes with an elaborate term system, with succession determined by a vote, conducted by the SeC and High Command and overseen/managed by AIU. In the vast majority of cases, Planetary Commanders were directly elevated from Sectoral Commander following their predecessor's term limit expiring.

The Sectoral Commander is the second highest rank within Overlook, and the Head of Logistics for the entirety of the Combine; this position has them oversee matters such as High Command meetings, ensuring rosters/documents are up to standards, and other logistics related tasks. Obviously, they are not restricted to this duty, and Sectoral Commanders act as a sort of second PC. Sectoral Commanders are selected directly from outstanding DvLs across the Combine faction; as such, the loadouts of the PC/SeC are incredibly similar to those of their previous Divisions.

Regardless of whether they come from MPF or a transhuman branch, these units can be enslaved by the Military Police


"The Planetary Commander is the last word for all decisions concerning military operations that occur. It is unknown why the original Planetary and their successors have decided to place so much attention towards Sector 61 compared to City 17, which many consider the heart of the Rebellion. Some Rebel military strategists theorise this is due to Sector 61 being the industrial-base of the Combine Earth Occupation, and it’s loss would be devastating in comparison to other Sectors. In the realm of Combine politics this has caused some resentment to brew across different Sector Commanders."

"There have been many commanders of Sector 61, and many more have passed on the title since the Uprising. The commander of Sector 61 is in a unique position however, their control over the Sector 61 Expeditionary Force gives them nearly unlimited jurisdiction, which has led to conflicts in command when the force is deployed to other sectors. However, this unique position has come with some heavy oversight, the Earth Planetary Commander themself keeps a close eye on Sector 61 Commander, and while they are afforded some protection, any failures are punished heavily, resulting in a considerable turn-over rate for the position."

Current Overlook Members

Planetary Commander: Blims

Sectoral Commander: Samantha