Women's Health resources

What is safe in pregnancy / Breastfeeding?



Not sure what is safe to take in pregnancy? Sign up for free!



Not sure what is safe to take while breastfeeding? Free resource! Website or app.

Where can patients learn more about contraception?



Great patient-friendly website to help patients compare and contrast contraceptive options based on what is important to them.

Decide + Be Ready


Military specific app to help active duty service women choose a contraceptive method that is good for them.

What are recommendations for medical indications and contraindications for contraception?

CDC Medical Eligibility for Contraception


My patient has a medical condition and I am not sure if I can give them this contraceptive method. What do I choose? Look here first!

Where can patients get domestic violence resources?

San Diego Family Justice Center


Non-profit organization dedicated to transitioning victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and sex trafficking into survivors.

National Domestic Violence Hotline


24/7 calling and chatting resource to get help for domestic violence.

Recommendations for medical workup and imaging for strangulation:


Have a high suspicion for neck injury in domestic violence - see this algorithm for what workup to order and who can safely discharge and who needs to be admitted.

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