Choose an interesting case from your medicine month, and create a presentation that focuses on the overview, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and management of the chosen topic. Use the template on this site to create an interactive presentation. The goal is to encourage discussion focused around a broad, working differential.

MOOD Case Ground rules:

Purpose of the MOOD case is to allow the audience to work through a case along with the presenter. As such, these should be the steps:

1. Along with the presenter, there must be a scribe to write down the audience recommended differential.

2. There must be a differential and it must be broken down to the following categories:

A. Most likely

B. Must rule out

C. On the differential

D. Zebras

3. After the history and background slide, the presenter must allow for the following:

A. Clarifying questions

B. Building of the initial differential

4. Physical exam slide:

A. Do not give away the physical exam.

B. Have the audience ask specifically what they want on exam.

C. Can show the rest after.

D. Ask for refinement of differential

5. Labs/rads:

A. Please ask the audience what labs they are interested in.

B. Can show the rest afterward

C. Ask audience for refinement.

D. Can give final diagnosis at this time

6. Then provide teaching points.

It is ok to ask specific audience members to participate. If it takes longer to do this than the allowed time, that’s OK.

File Preview: MOOD Template


Click here to view and download the template.