Antepartum Fetal Testing Guidelines

Antepartum Fetal Testing Guidelines 2022.pdf

*Updated 2023 JAN 4 courtesy of Dr. Amanda Waller Presentation on Antepartum testing. Guidelines as above were updated June 2021.

**For those with multiple risk factors for antepartum stillbirth, testing recommendations should be individualized.

This table gives recommendations regarding antepartum fetal surveillance for commonly encountered conditions. The list is not all inclusive, and patients with more severe conditions may warrant earlier or more frequent testing. Delivery recommendations are based on the underlying condition, earlier delivery may be indicated in cases where other maternal and/or fetal indications for delivery develop. The care of patients is dependent on individual circumstances and no policy or procedure can detail or describe each circumstance. Thus, this policy is not a statement of the standard of care, and should not be interpreted as such. It is meant to be a guideline only, and should never be a substitute for the exercise of judgement.