
For the most up to date elective list: 

Copy and past following link into government computer search bar. 

\\cpenfs01\dept$\Director of Medical Services\Family Medicine\FMR Rotation Curriculum\ELECTIVES



Please review the list of available elective options and associated information. This list is to include electives commonly pursued. If there is another rotation that you would prefer more experience, start with the rotation coordinator or liaison. If it is an experience not listed, please reach out to the Dr. Writer, Dr. Laird, or Dr. Hammer.

They currently include the following electives:



Other Electives that have been done in recent years but are not currently included among 1-pagers include the following (and who you might think to contact to learn more about the opportunity):




Other Electives to consider that are not currently included among 1-pagers include the following (and who you might think to contact to learn more about the opportunity):


Other Electives not included above that you are thinking about but we haven’t thought about:

1.) Complete form below

2.) Send to schedulers

3.) Send to GME office

4.) Send to APD

Resident Elective Request 2.1.pdf
Options and POCs.docx