Journal Club

Journal Club

Journal Club objectives include but are not limited to:

(1) improvement of critique skills

(2) keeping up-to-date with the recently published literature

(3) translating forefront knowledge to guide clinical practice

(4) maintaining reading habits


Expectation: Select an article that answers a clinical question you encountered, an article you believe is impactful to Family Medicine practice or relevant to our patient population. The article should be a primary source article selected from a peer-reviewed journal. It can be a meta-analysis, randomized control trial, cohort study or other experimental design. You will present the article and facilitate discussion critically appraising the biostatistical and methodological aspects of the literature and whether the findings would modify clinical practice. Templated materials will be provided to help guide these discussions.


Journal club will be held the last Thursday afternoon of the block. If leave or other obligations prohibit Journal Club from being facilitated on this date, please notify the Journal Club Faculty Coordinator (Dr. Bartlett) and the Population Health Faculty  (Dr. Lagoski) at the start of the rotation and another date can be arranged. Please select the article 2 weeks in advance and provide to Journal Club Faculty Coordinator for distribution. If you are having difficulty selecting an article, need assistance in critically appraising the article, or questions about facilitating the discussion, please seek assistance from the Journal Club Faculty Coordinator.

Journal Club Worksheet.docx
Teaching Journal Club.pdf
Journal Club Example.pptx
Journal Club Template.pptx