Direct Admission from Clinic


IMPORTANT: Please follow directions in order written below.

When admitting a patient follow these steps:

1. TEAM NURSE: Call the NOD 760-685-3468. Inform them of admit.

Name of NOD and time:

2. TEAM NURSE: Call Admissions: 760-719-4779

Make sure that the PAD Corpsman knows to admit patient to 0024A

You will need the following information to admit the patient:

1. DOD ID#

2. WHERE PATIENT IS GOING : (ward they are going to)

MSW: 760-719-3110

ICU: 760-719-3383

MIU: 760-719-1221

L&D: 760-719-3033/ 719-5972 (Emergency only)

3. Reason for admission (Diagnosis)

4. Admitting Physician

5. Admitting time

**This is for pre-registration which takes about 5 min. An admission encounter is created and a designated FIN# assigned for this admission. (This is needed so the Doctors can drop orders using the correct fin#)

**Please remind Providers to wait for the FIN# provided by PAD before placing ANY orders.

3. TEAM NURSE: Call the Ward the patient is being admitted to (to give a heads up).

4. TEAM NURSE: Obtain a FIN# from Admissions and call MOOD or admitting Doctor to inform him of the FIN#

5. PROVIDER: Obtain FIN# from Team Nurse. Place admission orders for the patient.

**Providers please do not create a new inpatient encounter on your own – this must be done by PAD who will then provide a FIN#.

**If you have to call the PIT (Provider’s space):

Use 760-719-3913

**Providers will usually discuss patient in Clinic before going up to the PIT to write orders.

6. PROVIDER/TEAM NURSE: Have Corpsman or Nurse place IV and draw labs if ordered.

7. TEAM NURSE: Check pt’s EMR for admitting orders. Call report once orders are placed.

8. TEAM NURSE: Please complete Ticket to Ride Form before transporting patient to the floor

9. PROVIDER/TEM NURSE: Have Corpsman transport patient up to MSW. ICU requires an RN/Nurse escort at all times. Check in with the front desk Staff on the floor before bringing patient to the room.