Doximity Texting

Courtesy of Dr. Walker for process improvement 2022:

Some Doximity Texting Take-Aways:

  1. Texting patient's via Doximity is a simple way to contact patients for short bursts of information that need to be conveyed (med refill, normal labs update, etc)

  2. It is HIPAA compliant as long as pt has updated textable, mobile device number.

  3. This is a good way of increasing our outreach to patients in an efficient and time sensitive manor.

  4. Once set up physicians (and is possible for RN's to use as well) can send text messages to patient phones.

  5. NO official instruction so viability of use over time may vary based on command.

See Dot Phrase templates:

Notify Patients of Med Refill:

Chrissy Walker dot phrase “.text-doximity-medRefill”

Med ordered; Doximity text notification sent to # stating:

"Your requested medication has been ordered by Dr. Walker. To fill medications contact NHCP pharmacy at (866) 286-8249. Follow prompts to either refill (auto line using Rx # on bottle) or fill new/renewed prescription (speak to a pharmacist - must be during business hours)."

Notify Patients of Referral:

Chrissy Walker dot phrase “.text-doximity-referral”

Referral placed; Doximity text notification sent to # stating:

"Your specialty care consult has been placed. Contact Tricare West at 844-866-9378 to arrange care and for contact info of local specialists that accept Tricare."

Notify Patients of voicemail full:

Chrissy Walker dot phrase “.text-doximity-voicemailFull”

Doximity text notification sent to # stating:

I attempted to call with your results (normal) but was unable to leave a voicemail. Please see details of your results on the MHS Genesis Patient Portal.

– Dr. Walker, NHCP, Family Medicine

Register at the MHS Genesis Patient Portal at:
